Part 65..

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 You told Sero everything that you daydreamed from start to finish even including you giving him the gawk gawk 3000 and where he rearranged your guts. Sero was lost for words as he imagined every bit you had just told him since you gave as much detail making him flustered. "W-wow." Sero said looking at you while you smiled softly at him making his heart go *boom boom* You then looked at your phone and realized an hour has passed making you sigh to yourself.

"There's no point in going back to my school. Let's go hang out at my place!" You suggested as Sero stood up and extended his hand out to you hoping you'd grab it. You obviously grabbed it making Sero blush as you also stood up and brought him in for a hug. Sero looked down on you while you looked up with a small smirk glued to your face. "I'm honestly in disbelief that you're right here next to me. Kiss me." You said as Sero chuckled and leaned down to meet lips with yours.

Sero cupped your face gently as he turned his head to the side as he looked at your lips and then back into your eyes. "Te ves tan hermosa estar aqui conmigo..." Sero said with admiration as he began to caress your cheeks with his thumbs. "Quiero ser ese beso que te vayas a recordar para toda la vida...mi amor..." Sero said as he leaned in towards you and brought you in for a sweet kiss that made you melt into his sweet touch giving you absolute butterflies in your tummy.

Sero held your face so gently to the point it would be impossible to even break a mazapan in the way he held you. The kiss was so magical that it can put any princess movie to shame. Sero felt fireworks through his whole body as this kiss you two were sharing was more than what he expected it to feel like. Just as you two were enjoying the moment you felt a pair of hands separate you from Sero which led you to open your eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" Sero asked the guy who was glaring at him.

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