Part 66..

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"The real question here is who the hell are you kissing what's mine?" Your ex said as you just rolled your eyes. "I am not yours." You said glaring at your ex who grew irritated by the sight of you two. "You heard them pendejo." Sero said to your ex who crossed his arms. "ferme ta gueule. Watch your mouth, you don't know who you're talking to." Your ex said as Sero was about to take a few steps towards your ex but you pulled his shirt from going any further.

"No. Let's go." You said pulling Sero back as he looked at you confused. "Mon amour, why are you holding them back?" Your ex said smirking to himself as you just shook your head and stood in front of Sero. "Don't act stupid now, au revoir." You said glaring at your ex before you began to walk away with Sero while holding onto your trash. Your ex was about to grab your wrist but remembered your quirk allowed you to make people feel as if they were on acid and such so he didn't risk it.

"You will be mine again." Your ex said quietly as he walked away in the opposite direction. "Why did yo-." Sero was cut off by your loud sigh. "My ex isn't worth losing your breath on." You said quietly as you lead Sero to where you lived. You unlocked your door to your house and got in but Sero gave you a slight push. Sero had his hand wrapped around your neck while he closed your door and locked it quickly. "Let's make that daydream of yours a reality." Sero said smirking.

"OH! I mea-." You were cut off by Sero's cute laugh as you just tilted your head to the side. "I was kidding princesa. Unless...?" Sero said with a soft smile glued to your face as you just felt your body heat up. "Yo, it's getting hot in here. R-right?" You said as Sero let go of your neck and just looked at you from head to toe. "I guess even hot people make themselves feel hot? Let's recreate that shower from your daydream hermosa." Sero said winking at you while you just melted in embarrassment. 

𝙰 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛...Where stories live. Discover now