Chapter 8 The Marriage PT 2

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Karanveer's POV

What happened to her? She isn't like that . She doesn't go without a fight.
Was I bit too much?

Ok...I was just kidding about the police thing but she looked at me without any hope.

Same look I saw when she was talking to her father.

She was going beside me, head down in shame but I caught her by her arm lightly.

"Naina I am not calling police or do anything like that."

I tried to pacify her but I saw a lone tear falling from her eye.

I have seen her cry before but I don't see her as my soul enemy.

Now I think she is the one who could make me a human again...what the fuck is happening with my mind!!

I never felt this type of feeling with any woman before.

What are you doing to me Naina?
Why her tears are affecting me now? Why I can't see her in this state now, which I desperately wanted to see before.

"My life's over again Karan. Why the hell did I leave Singapore? Why did I even came here? Why did I even meet you in the first place?"

She was crying hard but trying to conceal it from me. Yes I am harsh, but I would never hurt her, from now on.

I pulled her towards me and cupped her face. Her eyes were soaking red and watching the ground.

"Marry me Naina. This is the only solution we have . "

She stopped crying but pushed me lightly to remove from my grip.

She thought something for a moment and then replied.

"Fine I'll marry you, but I have some conditions."

"Okay. Say it."

"We are getting married because of this situation, should be between me, you, Shreya and Deepak.

For the rest of the world tell them we secretly eloped and that's why you named me the co - share holder.

Built a story yourself because that's not my job to do.

I'll not change my surname and I'll do a job in your hotel group with monthly salaries and allowances.

You won't touch me without my permission and for the world you can hold my hand , to an extent grab my waist but that's it.

You'll respect me in front of everyone, if any insult done or if I felt bad with your behavior, I'll blow our cover.

And you will sleep on the couch for the rest of your life.


I was shocked to listen her conditions. A minute ago she was crying and now she made a whole agreement .

Wow! I am impressed. She should do business herself.

Wait a minute, did she said that I'll sleep on the couch? Seriously!

"All conditions accepted but not the last one. We'll sleep on couch turn wise. "

"No. This is all your fault we landed up in this situation, so I'll get the bed you sleep on couch else floor is so good for you."

"Shut the fuck up! I won't sleep on floor!" I shouted at her and she rolled her eyes.

Damn! Why is she doing this to me!

"Did you just rolled your eyes?"
I don't know want is happening to me but now I can't tolerate her attitude anymore.

Naina's POV

What is he ? Christian Grey? Rolled your eyes my foot. If he ever lays a finger on me without my consent, I'll chop his balls of!

Don't judge, I can and I will.

"This is it. We can't talk like normal people for at least a minute and getting married is almost suicide."

He scoffed and gave his signature smirk.

"We'll whosoever will live with you , definitely would become a dead man."

Nerve of this guy!

"And I am afraid what would you do with me when we are alone. I mean I don't know want extinct you would go to take my dignity..."

That's it, he was going to complete the sentence but I yet again slapped his arm lightly, making him stumble a bit.

"Why the fuck do you hit me! No one has ever tried to even think of it.."

He was coming closer to me with one hand on his arm . He was intimidating but I can't be scared now, I can't show him.

I grabbed him by his collar and bought him to my level.

"Listen to me my fucking unwanted future husband. Get use to this treatment because I can assure you , the day I'll marry you, the day your life in hell starts. Better prepare yourself cause I don't like submissive people."

I pushed him hard and he again stumbled to stand. He clearly was in shock and his eyes showed a tinge of surprise mixed with fear.

Rolled my eyes, well congratulations Karanveer, you just activated my Christian Grey. This time you'll become Anastasia.

I saw a man coming towards him with paper in his hands. He gave them to Karan with a pen in his hand.

He signed the papers and then he gave to me.

"Sign these. We'll get legally married. "

I saw him, he is so eager to save his reputation that he wants to marry me right now itself.
I thought maybe a part of him is good , but he left nothing that I not loathe about him.

"Sign it fast Naina, not everyone is unemployed like you are."

I hurt me. He is just like my father. He destroyed my mother's life and now he is destroying mine.

All men are the same. They just want money and sex. Nothing else. Bloody sadists.

I signed the paper.

Whatever is gonna happen from now on, it's my destiny that I can't change.

But I can't let my emotions control me. I can't let him intrude my life and if he hurts me now, I'll definitely kill him.

"Congratulations Naina Sharma, you are married. My wife."

His wife. My destiny. Hell or Life?


Finally the marriage happened!! Sry for the late update, it's been two weeks now. But gear up.... Karan's parents are coming.

And what do you think of Naina's father and her family??? What would be their reaction?

Also Shreya and Deepak would also get married....soon🥰🥰😆

Pls vote comment and share and pls give your honest review...

Also thank you Vaporeonwin for her thoughtful comment and encouragement. Without her this marriage won't happen😜😅😘😘😘

Love you loads.... untill next time.

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