Chapter 30 The Dark Night

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Naina's POV

I was getting ready for the office in the closet but I felt tight grip on my waist.

Veer snaked his arms around me and kissed my exposed neck. This is the daily routine...even my concealer has given up on his hickeys!

Everyday I have to wear some high neck or cover my neck with a scarf, because he never stops doing this.

"Happy two month anniversary Miss Loud."

He kissed me cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder looking us together in the reflection of front mirror.

"Happy two month anniversary my royal husband!"

We shared a brief kiss as he wants to save all of it for our night.

Every night he beings so rough...but with the morning he is always ready to take care of me.

That's the thing I love about him.

"Did you see your gynecologist yesterday?"

"Yeah, she'll send me my reports by tonight."

For the last three days I am not feeling well. I fell nauseous and throw up my breakfast just after consuming it. I've no idea how this morning sickness built up in me. God knows what's happening in my body.

"Give me your wrist."

I gave him my hand and he buckled a silver watch with pink small rhinestone around the simple dial, on my wrist.

"What's this for Veer?"

"It's my mother's watch, dad gave her on their first anniversary. When she left I got it but I always wanted you to have it. Did you like it?"

He gave me an anxious look.

"I love it."

He chuckled and hugged me tightly.

Deep down I know be loves his mother and wants her to come back. He still has her photo in his wallet...and maybe in his heart too.

"Hey...when are mom and dad returning from New York?"

"Maybe till midnight. We'll celebrate with them Naina."

Mom and dad were still in New York for over a month...what is it there that they go there so much?

I'll never come to know.

Karanveer's POV

It's 8 PM now and we are still at the office. Our employees have left which makes me and Naina working in our respective offices.

I can't live without her...she like an addiction to me. Every night we make love and she taught me the real meaning of it.

Previously I thought girls are for our needs, for fun...but she literally changed me.

I don't want leave her right now... but I've to go to airport to fetch parents, it's been so long I last saw them.

I knocked her cabin's door and walked in when she said so. She was working on her laptop vigorously hitting her keyboard.

"Naina.. let's go to the airport, then home it's late."

"I can't, I found some glitches in our security system...I need to fix it right now."

She didn't even bulge her eyes of the screen, she's so dedicated.

"Well I need to go to the airport..."

"Yeah I remember, you go I'll come home by my car. It's parked here."

"Are you don't feel dizzy or nauseous..."

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