chapter 17 His story, Our Life

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Naina's POV

His mother left him? So who's Meeta Sanghi then? What's the succession rule? Did he married me for claiming the CEO position?
Am I just part of his conquest? Is he just using me, playing with my feelings? Is he going to leave me like that?

Am I actually falling for him?

All these questions flooded my brain like a plague.

But the most important question was escaping my mind with my dwindling trust for Karan.

How is he right now?

Last time I checked he was broken, from his eyes, his mind, from everything.

We got straight home after that disaster and thank god mom and dad went to airport since it's afternoon, else they would be so worried.

Karan wasn't in the state to drive, so I did. But reaching home he locked himself in our room, not letting anyone inside.

I didn't disturb him either, because he needs his space to calm down. He knows that he has to answer all my questions.

But what if he breaks my heart instead? What if I hurt him after listening his perspective? Is his mother the reason that he is afraid to leave me?

I heard him calling my name. I ran in the room, but the sight shocked me.

He was sitting beside our bed on the floor, he was crying.

His hands were ruffled in his hairs and eyes soaked in tears, he was looking down in shame, but deep down I knew, whatever happened before wasn't his fault.

I sat beside him and rested my hand on his shoulder, to tell my presence . He came out of his world and saw me.

His eyes were pleading forgiveness for everything he did to me. He is so crushed right now, that I can't say anything to him.

His pain is more than what I suffered.

I saw his shirt was pulled out roughly and his upper three button were undone giving a clear view of his hard chest. His sleeves were rolled frustratingly with his hairs spread as if a tornado attacked him.

He wrapped himself on me and resting his under my neck . His hands snaked me tightly as if I would run away.

I ran my hands on his shoulder and back to relax him, occasionally massaging his head.

"My birth mother left me when I was 5. She said she can take me with her, I was her liability... She abandon me. I don't know the real reason, but dad never shared any of them. He never told me the real reason. "

I understood the pain in his voice. I know how it feels when someone you love...leave us, treat us harshly.

"I heard the reasons. She ran because she never wanted me , dad wasn't happy with her, she wanted more money, maybe she had an affair with Gagan uncle, Nakul's dad...and many more reasons. I shut myself every night and cried. Had this hope that one day she'll come back but never happened."

"You didn't tried find her?" I asked him a low voice.

"I did back in London, but dad found it and stopped me. He didn't wanted me to be devastated again..."

I cupped his face and wiped his tears. Now I know why he turned cold and why he disrespected me. It's not his fault at all.

He was just 5 when it happened, it's obvious he thought this same for every women.

That means he is really feeling guilty for his act. And I denied his apology.

"I'm sorry Naina for what I did...'

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