Chapter 38 Are you Ready?

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Third person's POV

All three were seated in their flying jet, Veer was eating his food and both Naina and Karan were sitting facing each other.

He was practically ogling his beautiful wife which made her blush and averted her eyes from him.

"Mom why your cheeks got red?"

Embarrassment filled her face with Karan tried to control his laugh on his son's innocent comment.

"Nothing...I was just feeling a bit hot."

She have him a smile and glared at Karan.

"Yeah she is..." Karan whispered making Naina curious to know.

"What did you just say?"

"Mom, Dadda said you're hot."

She covered her face in sheer embarrassment and Karan laughed loudly leaving little Veer confused in the unexpected situation.

"I'm not ho... feeling hot." She re-framed her sentence so that his son won't ask more questions.

Veer touched her mother's hand and looked at her confused.

"But mom you're feeling hot."

Karan burst in more laughter making Naina red as a tomato.

"See even our son accepts this..."

Her deadly glare made him stop laughing and even from saying anything.

"Veer, sweety mom needs to talk to dadda...will you be a good boy and eat food quietly until then?"

"Okay mom...go."

His chirpy voice was enough to make Karan realize that his wife will definitely kill him.

She took his hand and they both entered the private room, locking the door by her own hands.

"Are you fuckin' crazy? How could you say these type of comments in front of a 2 year old! He's so small..."

Karan grabbed Naina's hands and pinned them above her head and kissed her roughly making her annoying self quite.

He towered over her so hard that it made her stuck on the door itself.

She moaned when his tongue collided with hers and he released her hands knowing that she's turned on.

Soon they both were pulling each other closer, leaving no space for the air to pass.

His lips started to travel down on her neck making her gasp loud and bringing her back in reality.


She pushed him lightly and they both were breathing heavily.

"Why stop...think about Vanya..."

"Whose Vanya..."

She remembered the name she thought for her daughter...this thought made her glare at him and he was smirking shamelessly.

"Later...right now it's time for Goa."

Hearing her made him smile hard.

"Even you are too interested in Vanya... Wifey!"

He kissed her earlobe and her red cheek leaving her blushing and they both got out hand in hand getting ready to land in Goa.

Naina's POV

We are currently outside Deepak's small mansion which looks pretty great for his family.

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