Chapter 20 Fire

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Karanveer's POV

It's Saturday today. Mom and dad are coming back and I've no idea what would they say when they come to know what happen two days before.

I need to handle Naina of they both are not happy with her. Probably they'll scold her, and tell not to mess with him...just like they told me once.

But why do I feel they are so lenient towards her? Well they treat her as their own daughter and they should...but I feel neglected now.

I guess they won't scold her, but definitely say the same.

My parents came and hugged us both then asked about our whereabouts.

"So I heard want happened in the board meeting..."
Now the show starts. Maybe my dad won't lecture her, but warn her. His was voice was pretty serious and mom stiffened too listening him.

"Dad... I'm sorry, he started and called me.."

"Don't say it." My mom interrupted her.

"This time you broke his nose, next time kill him if says anything to our daughter."

What seriously! If I did that they would've ignored me for a week, but they're appreciating her?

Now I'm jealous.

"Karan make sure this does not happen again, with my Naina."
Mom ordered me sternly and I nodded in response.

"I won't listen any word against my daughter. If next time this type of situation happens, report me Naina I'll take care of him." Wow! Dad is so protective for my Naina.

She is indeed unique. She was listening carefully and they both were serious about this matter.

"Now get ready for shopping. Remember your reception?"

Mom lightened the mood and they both went to shopping happily leaving me and dad with each other.

Naina's POV

I was sacred before when they both started to talk about the incident but I thought they would scold me or say bad.

But they called me their daughter and warned Karan about me.

Indeed they're so good. I'm lucky have Karan in my life with them both. If my father handled this, he would've beat to hell and shut me out for a day or two, leaving me starving.

But mom and dad both love me and protect me as their own child. I would never leave them like I did with my so called parents.

"Which one do you one or black one?"

We were currently in the store for the dress. I must say mom has a pretty great taste in fashion.

"The blue one it's good."

"Good choice, well whatever you look fabulous."

We shared a smile and got out of the store with our shopping bags.
She is really spoiling me.

"You know I always wanted a daughter, but I couldn't conceive...but I think I have one."
Her eyes swell up but I wiped her tears.

"I am always there for you mom. I'll not leave you ever."

"I know my Karan is a bit cold...but he really loves you . I know you both don't know your feelings yet...but soon you both would madly fall in love for each other."

Yes I do have feelings for him, yes I do like him...but love, isn't that too soon?

They said it right, love happens in a moment...but does he feels the same as I do? Will he ever love me?

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