Chapter 34 Not Yourself

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Naina's POV

How is this even possible? They said he died in the accident. I remember clearly.

But my Karan is standing in front of me...alive. They told me to come back next month with Veer, but they never told this.

We can be back together. These 3 years were nothing but I had to survive for my baby.

It was difficult to give love of both the parents.

But not even a single day left when I told him about his father...he had this fantasy to see him and now it's true.

Veer was everything I had after they said Karan died. But seeing him in front of my seems like a dream.

We all can live happily now.

Tears formed in my eyes when I saw both my love standing in front of me together.

"Dadda come inside. Mom cooks good."

He smiled on his remark and kissed his forehead then came inside the house.

I want to talk to him...but not in front of Veer.

"Veer, baby why don't you go inside and colour a drawing for Dadda?"

"Ok mom."

Karan dropped him on the ground carefully and he ran inside.

Karan's gaze was constantly on if trying to extract all the answers.

I hugged him tightly and buried my face under his neck inhaling my breathing while listening his heart beat.

I craved for this moment for last 3 years.

But he didn't reciprocate my hug.

Instead he cupped my face and smashed my lips. My hands got stuck in his husky hair pulling him closer.

I want him .

Karanveer's POV

We needed this kiss. The moment I saw her this craving increased with every second. Her lips taste the same. I pulled her closer by grabbing her waist tightly.

I don't care if she left purposely...but I am not loosing her now.

Mother was right....Naina is the answer to all my questions.

But why she did this?

This thought broke my kiss. I distanced myself from her instantly.

She was crying but was aghast with my reaction.

"Dadda look what I made!"

He ran towards me with a paper in his hand, but I saw Naina wiping her tears and changing her disappointed face.

He showed me his drawing and I smiled on his work.

"Shall we eat dinner?" She asked us both and he got hold of my large finger with his tiny hands and got me to the table.

Naina's POV

Dinner is over and Veer is off to sleep which leaves me and Karan sitting beside the table.

He was ignoring me for the whole dinner and didn't even talked to me.

What the fuck is happened to him!

"Can we talk now?"

He stopped eating and looked at me emotionless. One moment he was kissing and the other moment he pushed me.

"What do you want to talk?"

His voice was normal...but with no emotions. Isn't he happy to see me?

"Well I was told that you died..."

"And you ran away."

What is up with him?

"Karan this isn't you..."

"Because you left me."

"No! I would never do that..."

"But you did!"

"Because they told me to do so as you were dead!"

I got up from my seat and collected our plates to put them in dishwasher.

Why isn't he hearing me? What the hell they told him about me?

"You know Naina...I wonder if he is my son even. I can't trust anyone."

How dare he!

I smacked the plates on the counter and marched towards him with fire in my eyes.

Now he's gone to far.

He was going to say something but I slapped him hard.

He was startled with my stunt and got up vigorously. He grabbed my hands and stuck me on the wall pinning my hands above my head.

He came closer and whispered in low intimidating voice.

"Why did you leave me?"

"Because they told me..."

His grip tightened on my hands which pained me a lot. My eyes started to water but I lowered them not showing him .

He doesn't deserve any tears now. Maybe I lost my Karan that day, but this man is someone else.

"Who are you talking about?"

"You don't know anything?"

"No." He answered confusingly. He knows nothing.

"Your father told me to come here and live...leave India."

He left my hand and sat on the couch. I've never felt this humiliated in my whole life. And that to be done by the person I love the most...what have they done to him.

Karanveer's POV

I don't understand...why would dad ask her to live here? He knew I was okay then why did he keep us both apart?

I saw her watching me in horror and tears gushing from her eyes.

Fuck! I went too far again. I've lost control over myself since she left me and now she is hurt.

"I'm sorry Naina...I lost control."

"You can't be my Karan...he was lot better than you. And you doubted your own wife...your own blood? How did you even think that I would cheat you?"

She was crying but she wasn't angry, she was disappointed with me.

We got back each other after all these years and I treated her like this.

I got up and walked towards her but she showed me her hand to stop.

"Naina listen..."

"No you listen. You've no idea what I've been through all these years by myself. It was tough for me to brought up Veer like a single mother. Every day he asked me to meet you but I never gave him false hope... because your father said you died....and now I saw you I thought everything would be fine again, but now I've no hopes left."

I can't see her like this, my eyes started to water too . I didn't think of her pain either...I was being selfish.

She was going in her room but I stopped her. She tried to push me but I overpowered her.

I wiped her tears and started to kiss her again. First she didn't reciprocated, but when I speed up my pace, she did too.

She still loves me.

Nothing can separate us now... not even my dad.


Omg!!! There emotional moments melt my heart 😭♥️

Does it happens with you too?

What do think Karan would do with his father??

Do comment and tell.🤗

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Stay tuned ♥️.

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