Chapter 28 Bday Gift

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Play this song while reading this chapter👆🏻Trust me you'll get the feel.♥️ It's my favourite song 🥰.

Naina's POV

It's midnight and I baked his favorite butterscotch cupcakes for surprising him on his 27th bday.

He doesn't like partying or anything like that... maybe there's a chance he won't like my surprise too.

But they say it right...when there's love, there's will.

I tip toed to our room with cupcake on my plate and pushed the door lightly, not to wake anyone.

Time was 11:57 p.m. I better prepare myself. I lightened the candle and waited for the clock to struck 12.

Karanveer's POV

I heard someone calling my name. God lemme sleep it's midnight for crying out loud.

It was Naina. Why is she even up at this hour?

"What is it Naina?" I asked her half sleepy in the bed with my eyes shut.

She grabbed me by my neck and made me sit softly. She herself sat on my lap with force purposely to make me wide awake.

"What the hell is your problem Naina at this hour of night?"
I was a bit louder and irritated.

How could she destroy my sleep just for her stupid antics?
We have full day for these type things.

"Happy 27th b'day Veer."
Her voice was low but innocent. Her eyes were flashing little fear, but even in that candle light placed on that cupcake, she still manages to look beautiful.

Woah...wait. My b'day? Oh fuck!

In all this madness in last few weeks I forgot I am turning old and I didn't even planned this day for her!

God kill it's my b'day.

"I'm sorry if you don't like this. I'll clean it up you go back to sleep."

Her voice echoed regret but I held her tightly.

"No...I zoned out,sorry. What have you done for me?"

"I made your yellow mellow cupcake. You don't like big things so baked these instead."

She gave me a small smile and looked down.

"I love it. It's the best bday I ever got."

She gazed me lovingly and I pecked her forehead.

"So what should I do with your yellow mellow?"

"Oh yeah... blow the candle and make wish then eat it.'

"Your wish is my command my Queen."

She chuckled shyly with redness covering her face. God she turns me on every time.

"You should command me it's your b'day after all. And three years more you'll be senile."

"Oh you betcha!"

I blew the candle and closed my eyes for not me,but wishing for her happiness forever. If she's happy,I am happy. She completes me.

I felt soft peck on my lips which made me come back to reality.

"I know you wished for me and nothing for yourself. This is all I can give you."

I cupped her face and brought her closer.

"You're all that I've."

We started to share a kiss but she abruptly stop to make me eat her cupcake.

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