Chapter 11 Accident

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Karanveer's POV

I woke up at 5 am and was going out for jogging. I can't believe that I slept on the couch, my back hurts. But I never listened to anyone before. I need to avoid her as much as I can, she can't come in way of my goals.

I saw her sleeping clutching the blanket tightly and sweating hard.

AC temperature was normal too, then why is she in this condition.
I was going out but I heard her screaming.

Probably she is having a nightmare.

What is up with her! Can't live peacefully and can't sleep peacefully.

"Naina... Naina...wake's only a dream. Naina..."

"Don't touch me!" She screamed and pushed me hard enough to fall on ground and hurting my already paining back.

Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was glistening in sweat with fear resting on it. She was breathing so hard that her full body was shivering.

I was just waking her up from the nightmare, I haven't done something bad, did I ?

"Don't you dare touch me again!" She screamed hard now. Is she insane or what? I was just helping her and she is accusing me?

"Fine then,  fuck yourself ."

I got up and marched out of the room. I can't take this anymore, I would never touch any girl without their permission, and she thinks I could stoop so low.

For a moment I thought she could co-operate with me in this unwanted relationship, but that's it. I am done with her, it's my turn to show what exactly I am.

You've done a mistake Miss Loud. Let her join my office, I'll show her my hospitality as her boss.

I was going out of the house but I got a notification on my phone. A text from Deepak.

Bring Naina to her home this morning, it's important about my marriage.

I forgot that this is the reason of my mess- Deepak's marriage. He is dead to.

Naina's POV

What have I done ! Now I feel guilty for pushing him away when he was only trying to wake me up from my horror . Shit...I deserve his anger. I don't know how he would treat me. At one moment he makes me hate him, next moment he all nice and again last night she was being a jerk.

He is so moody. And here females are said to be that.

I was going to bathroom to freshen up and to get ready for my first day at his office...god can this day be more better!

I got a message on my phone from Daksheeja.

SOS!!! Come at your home with Karan...It's a Phagi situation!!!

Well she's overreacting. And Phagi situation means... Something Shreya has done something or related to her. I guess she messed up too.

Now I have to bear this douche till my house and probably everyday at office.

He said right, I fucked up...badly this time.

Karanveer's POV

We both were now silently settled in the car going to her house now. She  was looking out of the window and didn't even glanced me since our morning.

She was quite too. I want to hear her voice. I can't drive with distraction to me please.

Maybe I shouldn't had bailed on her, instead I should have asked her reason for those nightmare.

But I just took as an insult... but she screamed on me to, but she was scared.

God...shut up!!

I pulled the brake and the car stopped with a jerk, forcing Naina to push in front of her seat. Of there was no seat belt, she could have hurt herself badly.

"What the hell Veer! I don't have fascination to die fast."
She again called me Veer...I like the nickname. But why does she call me that? I mean couples who actually share a bond have these names...then why ?

"My name is Karan not this Veer. Don't know how many boys you have shagged. "

"Shut the fuck up Veer, don't mess with me else I'll..."

"Slap me! That's all you have got, or cry like a baby just like last night or scream on top of your voice like morning.."

I was going to complete my sentence but she slapped me...a bit lightly from last time. Well I've lost count of her slap intensity.

"I call you Veer, 'cause you don't deserve a name like Karan. He was a lot better man than you. And thanks for the ride I can go by myself."

She said and got out of the car marching in her blue off-shoulder top paired with black jeggings and white sneakers.

How can she go alone? What would her family think about us? We'll both get busted. I don't know about her bit surely I'll get kicked out of the hotel group and loose my already divided shares.

"Naina come here at once!" I got out too but she showed her middle finger with a smirk on her face.

You brat!
I started going towards the divider where she was waiting for a public transport .


The next moment I was crushed on the road with the horrible back pain growing with each second and people started to gather around me.

I was in pain and that two wheeler driver who hit me, was nowhere.

Bloody Indian drivers! Wait...except me.

"Veer... are what happened? Please any call an ambulance for my husband." She was sitting beside me with her fingers ruffled in my hairs and fear in her eyes.

Fear of loosing it's not.

"No need I am fine."

"Shut up Veer... please help him get in the car...I'll drive."

I was standing up but lost my balance. I thought ground would touch me again...but she gave me support to stand.

We both were so close that I could feel her breathe on my face, she is beautiful...her black eyes, that cut nose, soft red kissable lips.
But before I could do or say something...darkness enfolded me and fell in her arms.


What do you think? Should I kill Karan?

Nah..not so fast. And I didn't forgot my idiot friends- Deepak, Shreya and Daksheeja.

Well I am actually more exited for Deepak and Shreya now. What would happen to their wedding? What about Daksheeja?

Bit real question what about Karan and Naina? Will he survive or die?

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Thanks Mahiiimaa for the cast idea.
I'll announce the whole cast soon.

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