Chapter 4

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POV Waverly

"Oh yeah, I started studying that, but then after a few months I realized that it wasn't the right thing for me and that I actually only done it for my parents. So I dropped out of my studies, which of course my parents didn't like it at first. I then started to work in a small cafe, where I still work now, but on the side I still have police training. Wynonna actually made me wonder if that might be something for me and that's how I discovered the passion for it."

"Wow, so you have found your dream job right?"

"Oh yes, the training alone is so funny and you just feel really good when you've solved a case and you feel much more confident. "

"And what did your parents say?"

"After a while they accepted it and everything was fine, until they broke off contact completely."

"Why that?"

"The time shorty after I stopped studying was very difficult for me. I had nothing left, I was just at home all day until one day Wynonna dragged me into a bar. It was a GAY Bar because Wynonna was of the opinion that you wouldn't be approached by any men there. I didn't mind so we went and then a women spoke to me, we talked all night and well then I fell in love with her. At first I was completely overwhelmed with my feelings, but over time I accepted it and that's how we came together. I thought it would be an eternal love and so I told my parents about it. And as you can imagine, they weren't that enthusiastic."

"Oh, so you said ,,came together" so you are not together anymore?"

"We were together for about two months and I finally had something in my life again, until we took the next step. After that she was different and busier, until she finnaly said that she was bi and just wanted to try it out with a women. She just played with me, I mean I really loved her and she just.... Sorry, I don't know why I'm talking to you about this, to be honest, I've never told anyone about it. You just have such a calming effects on me that I just want to tell you everything."

"You can keep talking, I love listening to people. I also want to know what happens then. I mean, she can't just have forgotten you, like that."

"Oh yes, I haven't seen her since and haven't been in a relationship since then. In the beginning it was really difficult for me, but then the police training came at exactly the right moment."


"So enough about me, what have you been doing i the last few years? I had to hear from Wynonna that you were with Champ. She first really gave me her opinion, although I didn't even know what was going on. I felt like she didn't really like him. Are you guys still together?"

"Oh no, luckily not. I just checked on the right time that he was just an asshole. I caught him in bed with my supposed best friend and the best part was that he didn't even see it was wrong."

"Oh shit. What have you done to him? I hope you clearly said him you opinion?"

"Of course. I said that I don't want so see them ever again."

"That's good."

"Enough about our exes, there the past. Wanna go down?"

"Uh what?"

"I'm finished up here. I've seen everything I wanted to see, we just walked around a whole lap and I've already taken photos. You were so absorded in our conservation that you didn't even noticed it right?"

"Yeah, how could this happen to me? How could I be so distracted?"

"Well, I think you just wanted to get rid of your anger about your ex."

"Proberly, I needed to get rid of that."

"Since we have clarified that, let's go downstairs. Wyn is definitly waiting for us."


We go back to the elevators and soon it goes back down. The conversation with Nicole was really nice, she is so much different than before, of course not only that she now likes woman, but also her presence is just different. Why didn't I notice this earlier and why did I had such advantages over her before? Yet, I could even imagine, that we maybe become really good friends. Or is that said too soon? I just do't know....

When we reach the bottom, Wynonna is already standing in front of us.

"Well you two? Was it good?"

"Oh yes, the view was really beautiful."

"Nice to hear. Do we maybe want to go out to eat? Italien?"

"Oh yeah absolutly, I'm about to die. I'm so hungry."

So we have a nice dinner until Wynonna says goodbye because she still wants to see Doc. Me and Nicole go home together and chat comfortably on the couch until it is time to sleep. Nicole has to work tomorrow morning, so we'll see each other again at noon. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow..

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