Chapter 11

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Waverly POV

I need a few seconds to realize that I'm not just dreaming, Nicole is really kissing me right now. Her lips just touch mine very gently, which is still not enough for me. I want to really feel her, so I start moving my lips very gently against hers. After a few seconds I feel something on my lower lip, so it makes me moan slightly. And then I already can feel her tongue sliding into my mouth. Our lips move in sync and neither of us really wants to stop. But when air becomes a problem, we both break apart. We both look deeply into each others eyes and I have to get my heartbeat under control first.

"Now I understand what you mean."

"Fuck, I didn't mean that, we can't, I can't, it just doesn't work. I ...I'd better go to bed now. See you tomorrow!"

Nicole gets up and goes to her room.

"Wait what ..."

But then I can already hear the door closing. What the hell was that, please? She can't just kiss me like that and then just run away ..And then I suddenly notice that I basically did exactly the same thing with her. I also just ran away without saying anything. But still, she said that she feels nothing for me and I quote, "she will always only be there for me as a friend". She can't just let me down now. I can understand that she doesn't want to talk to me right now, but we definitely have to at some point. I take a look at the clock, fuck already half past four! As much as I want, I can't be fit again in three hours. The opening ceremony won't work, shit. Besides, I have to say, I really don't feel that well. I just quickly put away the wine glasses and then go to my room to go to sleep.

The next morning

I wake up to the doorbell, which rings every few seconds. I get up and go to the door, not thinking that I'm still in my pajamas. Just before I open the door, I can still hear voices from the outside. So when I open the door I face 3 pair of eyes full of shock. In front of me are Wynonna, Doc and Nicole, all of them looking at me strangely. Fortunately, Wynonna is the first to find her voice back.

"Wave, seriously, you haven't really slept until just now, have you?"

"Uh I .. what time is it?"

"Half past twelve, furthermore I also thought that you really wanted to go to this opening ceremony?"

"I... I wasn't feeling so well yesterday and I hardly slept either."

I let my gaze wander briefly to Nicole, who can't hide her worried look from me. Aha, now she's apparently worried about me again...

"Are you feeling a little better now?"

"A little, just tired and I feel a bit off. I'll probably go to the pharmacy and get something right away. "

"Okay good. Nicole said she didn't know what you could eat, so she asked me if I could come with her. We bought a lot of things and food."

I'd rather not add anything to that. Nicole knew that we both wanted to go shopping ... I disappear into my room so I don't have to see her and can change into something better. Just as I'm done, there is a knock on my door. What does Wynonna want now?

"You can come in!"

The door opens and not as expected Wynonna enters the room, insted Nicole out of all people enters the room. She quitely closes the door and is apparently waiting for me to say something.

"I thought you were Wynonna."

"I thought so. I ... I just wanted to ask if you are really okay?"

"You're not fucking serious right now, are you?"


"You are asking me how I am right now? Since last night you didn't give a shit how I was doing. You were the one who said that you would always be there for me as a friend or not? But you weren't there for me last night. You just left without even explaining to me why YOU kissed ME?Exactly you kissed me and not the other way around! I thought we had already clarified yesterday that I like you, but you don't like me back that way... you don't want to say anything about it or what?

I walk towards the door to make my exit perfect, but just before I get to it, Nicole moves infront of the door.

"Move aside, I'm done here!"


"I said move aside!"

"No, I can't let you out."

"Why? You're letting me out of here right now!"

"Not before you've listened to me."

"I don't wanna listen to you alright? Didn't you get that!?

Nicole locks the door and then sits on my bed. Then she starts talking ...

"You know what, I really agree with you that I behaved like shit yesterday. I screwed up, I didn't want to confuse you any more. I didn't want to involve you in it, because I'm confused too. I've known you since I can remember. I've seen you grow up, whenever I played with Wynonna before, you were there too. You were like a little sister to me too. Sometimes I even had the feeling that I took care of you more than Wynonna ever did. I was always there for you until all of a sudden you turned away from me completely. You just hungout with your friends from school and met Champ. From then on you didn't even noticed me anymore. You haven't even said goodbye to me. I didn't hear from you until you suddenly wanted to move in here. At first I was really surprised thatyou out of all places wanted to move in here. I still had the bad picture of you when we left. But when I saw you again for the very first time, I quickly realized that you had completely changed. I didn't lie yesterday when I said that you had become a beautiful young woman. In my opinion you are yourself again. You have found the real you, the one I liked so much. Then when we got to know eachother better again, it was almost like before. And I've had to keep telling myself lately that you're just a friend. For me you were and you're still Wynonna's little sister, whom I saw grow up. But when you tried to kiss me, I went nuts inside. I've blamed myself so much that you are way too young for me and that Wynonna would kill me if she found out what happened between us. But you know what? I finally checked that you are no longer the little girl I remembered. Since then I've been thinking of you all the time, every morning, every evening ... I wanted to oppose it, but I coudn't. I..I fell in love with you. I really like you a lot."

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