Chapter 9

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Just as Nicole is looking at me from the side again, I look at her this time too and let myself sink into her eyes. We watch each other for a while, until Tala and Leyla end up in bed in the movie and keep kissing. I break away from Nicole's eyes and let my gaze slide further down to her lips. But I only stay there for a few seconds because I want to see her beautiful eyes again. Her eyes radiate warmth and a kind of security is hidden behind them. Determination takes me so I let my face come closer to Nicole's until we are only inches apart. I close my eyes and want to bridge the last few centimeters when I hear a quiet voice ...

"I don't think we should do that ..."

I open my eyes abruptly and put some distance between us again. How embarrassing ... What was I thinking? As if Nicole would kiss someone like me. I broke everything, I probably ruined our newly formed friendship.

"Waverly I ..."

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize, it's my fault, I should't have.."

"Hey, it's not your fault, I just didn't expect you to.."

"Everythings okay, I uh I have to uh go, I wanted to do something uh. Buy things for uh tomorrow..."

I get up quickly and my body leaves the pleasant warmth and an uncomfortable cold comes. Nicole surprisingly stays seated and just watches me get dressed quickly and soon disappear from the apartment. As soon as I'm out of the apartment I start to run and can't stop. I run and run until I stop at some point. It starts to rain and I want to turn around to walk home again, but then I realize that I don't even know the street I am walking along. I turn once and am shocked to find that I do not recognize anything from my current surroundings. Where am I? I just walked straight ahead, didn't I? Shit what am I doing now? I have nothing with me, no cell phone and just my wallet, which has a few dollars in it. I want to ask someone for directions, but that makes it even worse. In which street do we actually live? I never looked at the signs until now. Oh my god, oh my god I don't know where I am and I have no idea where to go. The rain only makes the 
whole situation complete, I walk down a narrow alley and lean against a wall and slowly slide down on the floor. I don't know where I am, I don't know anyone here, I don't have a cell phone. Even if I had a cell phone, I could only call Wynonna and she's probably working right now. I try to calm myself down, which I only succeed after an eternity. I take courage and start walking back down the street. I go and go, but nothing seems familiar to me. After what feels like hours I stop and look around. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I discover a clock at a shop, it is already 6 p.m. No wonder as long as I've gone. I look for a little alley again and sit down on the floor. Slowly it's getting really cold, not that I'm getting sick too. And again in these days I start to think of Nicole, what is she doing right now, is she looking for me or does she think I'm still on my way? Tonight at least at midnight she'll be looking for me, right? I decide to buy something to eat in a small shop and can even afford a small blanket.Then I go back to the alley and sit on the little blanket. The time passes painfully slowly until it's dark. New York is really scary in the dark. I go back to the little shop, which is now closed, but is still a bit lit at the entrance, and sit down in front of it. I have no idea what time it is, but my eyes are slowly closing again and again, so that I soon nod off against my will.

POV Nicole Haught

I'm getting really worried, well okay, I've been worried from the start since she got out of the apartment. That was 3 hours ago and now it's already dark outside. Should I call Wynonna and ask if she is with her? Oh no, that can't be, Wynonna has to work all day. I think I also don't tell her anything because then she will just gets unnecessarily worried.

But I can't just sit here and do nothing what if something really happened. She didn't take her cell phone with her either and she's only wearing a thin jacket, it must be damn cold outside. I shouldn't have let her go in the first place. I shouldn't have just stayed seated. I really like Waverly, but only as a friend. I can't possibly develop feelings for her, that was clear to me from the start. Actually, I didn't really thought about it because I thought she was straight. Besides, she's Wynonna's little sister, that alone could never make the two of us together. I have to protect her, I am responsible for ensuring that nothing happens to her, that's why I have to go looking for her. I pull myself up, put on warm clothes and take a thick blanket and jacket with me. First I go to the nearest train station, but nothing. It is now pitch black. I check my cellphone for the tenth time, but none message from her. I left my number at home in case she still comes home.

Next I go to the nearest parks and hotels, but nothing. Oh man, I've been looking for her for 4 hours now. I'm slowly getting really frightened, something bad had happend and it's my fault. I'm about to give up and go home to call the police, but then one last thought occurs to me where she might be. I don't think that she's there but it's worth a try. I know a little shop around here, so maybe I have luck and find her. When I arrive, I get out and actually see someone lying in the entrance area. My steps get faster until I'm 100 percent sure it's her. I run to her as fast as possible and knell next to her. She is curled up on the floor with her eyes closed and not moving.

"Oh my god, Wave!? Wave, please wake up..! You can't just leave me like that!"

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