Chapter 21: Through the dark.

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Louis POV

You expect that everything is normal now that Jazz is back....but its not. Things are still awkward for me and Shaunene and its really bugging me. Eleanor hasn't seemed to have noticed but the others are taking note of it and I think they haven't asked me anything because they don't want to interfere. Well today was the beginning of rehearsals. Usually I was syched for this but my mind was else where.

Eleanor: Lou you okay bae?

I nod and kiss her on thr forehead. She smiles and cuddles my arm. I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. She was truly amaze!

When we got to the staduim they first showed us the dressing rooms, bathrooms ect I wasnt really paying attention. The girls were with us so I distracted myself in my thoughts. Shaunene didn't help much she was looking so lovely today. She was wearing grey ripped jeans and a Barcelona top with Blue Vans. She looked extra gorgeous with her hair down. Being here was causing me major anxiety I mean Ellie or Neena it was all too confusing. After that they took us to the main stage where we will be performing. It was huge! The boys ran up and down the stage doing something ridiculous as always. I just walked slowly sinking it all in until I felt a presence beside me.

"Amazing isn't it" she said.

I looked up to see Shaunene standing next to me.

Me: Beautiful.

Shaunene: Listen Lou I don't like us being so distant.

Me: Me too...

I took a deep breath and turned around and looked straight into her gorgeous blue eyes.

Me: Im sorry for not telling you about Eleanor sooner.

Shaunene: Im equally as sorry for not telling you about Neymar.

Me: Its no big deal.

I pull her into a passionate hug.

Me: We will find a away through the dark

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