Fish Impressions

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The others were swimming along trying to get to Sydney.

They came to a school of fish.

Paul tried to talk to them but they kept swimming away.

"Macca? You alright?" said John.

"No. I've lost hope. We know where Meg is but we've no idea how to get there" Paul sobbed.

"Hey, you. Is this guy depressed or something?" said the leader of the school of fish.

"No, he isn't. He's just worried" said Calvin.

"Well, we can help with that. You guys like impressions?" said the fish leader.

"Yeah, we do" Sam said.

"Okay. Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen" said the leader.

The school of fish did all sorts of fish charades. Including a swordfish, an octopus, a lobster, and a ship.

Paul was the only one not enjoying it.

"Hey. Are you sure he's not depressed?" said the fish leader.

"No, he isn't. He's worried about our friend Meg. She's lost. Any of you heard of P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney?" said Ringo.

"Sydney? Oh sure" said the fish leader.

"You wouldn't know how to get there would you?" said John.

"What you wanna do is follow the EAC. The East Australian Current. Big current. You can't miss it. It's in that direction. And then ya gotta follow it for about three leagues. And then it's gonna put you right past Sydney" said the fish leader.

"Oh, dear! I never thought I'd get directions. Thank you so much" said Paul.

"Don't mention it. Just, uh... loosen up, okay buddy?" said the fish leader.

"Oh, you guys. You really nailed him. Bye" said George.

"Oh, hey, Beatles. One more thing. When you come to this trench, swim through it and not over it" said the fish leader.

"trench. Through it, not over it. We'll remember. We promise" said Ringo.

The guys kept swimming until they eventually did come to a trench.

"Nice trench" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah. okay let's go" Sam said.

"No. It's dangerous. We need to swim over this thing" said Paul.

"Whoa, McCartney. That school of fish told us to go through it" said John.

"Have they SEEN this thing?" said Paul.

The others were eventually convinced to swim over the trench.

Oh no. They went over the trench.

But the school of fish told them not to?

What horrors will they have to fight over the trench?

Read the next chapter to find out!

Peace and love, 


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