Paul's Song

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"Glad to have my legs back" Sam said when they got home.

"And I'm glad to be rid of that sea water smell" said Calvin.

"Isn't it great how much we've seen and learned under water?" said Charles Wallace.

"Sure is. What a great adventure that was" said John.

That certainly was an adventure to remember.

And meanwhile...

"Paul? You never got to sing that song" said Meg.

"Oh. Right. Would you like to hear it?" said Paul.

"Mmm-hmm!" Meg responded excitedly.

Paul got out his guitar and sang his song.

One and one is two

What am I to do

Now that I'm in love with you?

I'm hoping every day

I'm gonna hear you say

"You really make my wish come true"

Can't you feel, when I'm holding you near

Oh the things I'd do?

So my love am I making it clear?

One and one is two

One and one is two

What am I to do

Now that I'm in love with you?

I'm hoping every day

I'm gonna hear you say

"You really make my wish come true"

Can't you see? I've loved you from the start

Don't you love me too?

I love you but you're breaking my heart

If you only knew

One and one is two

What am I to do

Now that I'm in love with you?

I'm hoping every day

I'm gonna hear you say

"You really make my wish come true"

If you say that you're gonna be mine

Everything's alright

Oh the world would look so fine

If you'll be mine tonight

One and one is two

What am I to do

Now that I'm in love with you?

I'm hoping every day

I'm gonna hear you say

"You really make my wish come true"

"Oh, Paul! You really do make my wish come true" Meg sobbed happily.

And so they stayed together.

We never knew if it'd last long, nor did they.

All in a place called Liverpool England.

Well, that really is it. 

So, uh... let me know what your favorite part of the story was and I'll see you in the next one.


Peace and love,


(Keep scrolling)

"Barbara? I don't understand it. Here, this thing has a lifetime guarantee and it breaks! Had to clean the tank myself, take all the fish out, put em in bags and... where'd the fish go?" said the dentist.

The fish were in individual baggies and in the harbor.

They were encouraging Peach to join them.

"that's the shortest red light I've ever seen" said Peach.

"Come on, Peach" Gill encouraged.

Peach joined her friends as they cheered for their victory.

"Well, at least Meg made it home" said Gill.

"Yeah. I'm so glad she did" said Bubbles.

"I'm gonna miss her. She was a good friend" said Peach.

"I'm sure Paul's happy to have her back. Don't you think so, Flo?" said Deb.

"Yeah, I love a happy ending" said Gurgle.

"So do I" said Jacques.

"Me too, but... Now what?" said Bloat.

One and One is TwoWhere stories live. Discover now