Chapter 6- Uninformed

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A/N: I was trying to wait until ch.5 got 20 votes, but you lil nuggets are taking too long. 😊

{1 month and a half later}

I watched Gabrielle as she swirled her fork in her plate, picking up a forkful of linguine and placing it in her mouth. She looked at me and laughed as she noticed my staring.

"What?" She said with a giggle, after she finished what was in her mouth..

"Nothing, you're just so gorgeous." I said placing my hand on top of hers across the table as she smiled, and even though she was of a chocolatey complexion, her smile made it obvious that she was blushing. Soon the Applebee's waitress came to our table.

"Would you like a refill?" She asked, blue eyes glancing at my cup before she offered Gabi the fakest smile I have ever seen in my life.

"No, Uh, I think I'm good." I said, shaking my cup of Dr.Pepper, which was only missing about a third of the caffeinated drink.

"And you ma'am?" She said looking to Gabi, who shook her head as she busied herself on her phone.

The waitress began walking away from our table, winking at me as she did so, to which Gabrielle noticed. I gave Gabi a reassuring smile as I finished the hamburger I ordered. She didn't look very reassured.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, mentally slapping myself knowing full well why she didn't look as happy as she did before.



I sighed before responding, "Daniel, are you only putting up with me for the approval of the pack?" I asked as my phone buzzed, seeing that Carigan had favorited a tweet I recently posted which read:

'When you're at applebees with your boyfriend and the waitress asks if you'd like a refill after she'd been attempting to flirt with him; no, but you look mighty thirsty.' I was trying my best to be civil.

I laughed as Carigan texted me.

Care Bear: Boyfriend, girrrrl we need to talk! come over later?

I smirked, replying with a simple yes as I returned my attention to him, I can't believe I haven't talked to her in like 2 months.

"Gabi. Believe me when I say this, if I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't" He said to me, causing me to smile as I looked into his deep blue eyes, sensing the authenticity in his words.

"Ok." I intertwined our hands across the table, briefly, before my phone buzzed again, signaling another text from Carigan, just telling me she'll see me then.

"I'm going to go meet up with a friend later." I told, him putting away my phone as the waitress brought the check to the table, and soon left to go assist some other tables.

"What am I supposed to do while you're away?" He inquired playfully whining.

"Whatever you did before I wasn't around." To my response, he just chuckled.

"No, I think I should just hang out with some friends." He said, laughing. I rolled my eyes realizing soon what he did before I was around.


I knocked on Carigans door after locking my volkswagen beetle which sat in her gravel driveway.

"Oh my gosh! Gabi, I missed you. Where in the hell have you been. Wait, let me guess with this boyfriend I have yet to have met and barely even heard of." She said, briefly embracing me in a hug, then bringing me inside and shutting the door behind her.

"I missed you too, Care." I giggled out, as we walked upstairs to her room, and both sitting on her bed.

"So girl, are you going to tell me?" She said her eyes wide, yet her face serious and filled with curiosity. I didn't know how to tell her, if I should give it to her straight, or if I should just cut out all the supernatural parts. Being her best friend I didn't feel it in my heart to keep things from her, and I feel like as my best friend she should trust my words and accept what I say. I sighed in preparation as I began.


After explaining all that had happened since I went to work that day she sat with her mouth wide open.

"Are you shitting me?" She began with wide eyes ," You've waited TWO FREAKING MONTHS to tell me this? Thats freaking awesome Gabs!" She said grasping my shoulders and shaking me lightly. "This is like some sort of movie, oh my gosh. " She gasped briefly, and I just giggled wildly, taking in her reaction, and we then calmed ourselves.

"But yeah, when am I going to meet the lucky guy, even though you guys are in some way made to be together I still need to give him my warning, as a best friend." She said, with another small chuckle at the end.

"I'll see how tomorrow looks, but right now I need to go get some things from my mom's house." I told her, putting my purse back over my shoulder as she nodded. After a brief hug, I made my way out of her house and to my car.


I walked into my moms house to find my mom sitting in the living room talking with Ms. Melissa's husband, Thomas, who didn't look very happy. I hoped it wasn't about Natalia, because that was a while ago and it's too late to bring it back up.

"Hey mom, Hey Mr. Thomas. Um, what are you doing here?" I asked awkwardly as they both noticed my presence and looked at me, my mom standing.



CLIFFHANGERRRR, sorry you guys this story will get more interesting, soon enough, I've already planned a few chapters, so yeah :D. Tell me what you think so far!

Are you liking it?

Is Daniel really being honest about his feelings?

Why is Thomas in Gabi's moms house?

Should I add other points of view, besides just Gabrielle's and Daniel's?

Please comment what you think, and don't forget to vote! Thanks guys :D

-Torrie c;

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