Chapter 4- Welcomed

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After hanging up the phone with a sigh, I head upstairs to find Gabrielle's door ajar and her laying across her bed, focused on the screen of her phone. I take this moment to briefly study her features. She's beautiful.
"Gabi, we have to go somewhere." I say, quickly gaining her attention, in which she responds in a nod. She slips her phone in her back pocket and follows me out to my car after saying our goodbyes to her mother.


We pulled up to a house on the other side of town that I didn't at all recognize. Daniel got out & before I could open my door, he had done it for me.

"Thanks." I said as he shut it, and then guides me to the house with his hand on the small of my back.

"I've got some people here that are eager to meet you." He said and the door was opened as soon as we were infront of it. I was pulled inside and wrapped tightly in a hug.

"Finally, my Daniel has met his mate." A woman's voice says as I hesitantly hug back, being that I've never been much of a hugger.

"Well Gabrielle, this is my mother Lauren Bennett." Daniel says to me, and I instantly realize that she must've been the woman on the phone.

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Bennett." I say with a smile.

"Oh please, call me Lauren." She tells me as she grabs my wrist and takes me into a living room area where a brunette who looked to be slightly older than I, a pair of obvious identical twins, and a man who by his looks, I assumed to be Daniels father.

Within a short amount of time I was introduced to them all, learning that the brunette was Daniel's older sister Rebecca, the twins were his younger sisters Anisa and Theresa, and the man was Michael Bennett, his father.

"It's a pleasure to meet you guys." I smile at them all, as I notice Daniel leaning on a wall in the corner of the room silently observing.

"Well, tonight we are having a dinner, and you'll be meeting the Beta family and another family of the pack. For now, why don't you and Daniel go upstairs. Make yourself at home, but don't do anything I wouldn't do." She chuckles out with a wink, leaving me knowing all to well what she meant. I just nod to her and head upstairs with Daniel, to his room. I didn't really know what to expect in his room, but whatever I did, it isn't that. His bedroom is pretty simple, adorned in a navy blue and white theme. He sat down on the bed and pulled me down next to him, and we both began to laugh.

"Well then." I said, pushing my hair out of my face.

"I want you next to me." He says, burying his face in my neck and wrapping his arm around my waist

After playing a round of 21 questions as a fun way to get to know each other, we decided to watch television. About 2 hours had gone by and an episode of Impractical Jokers had finally ended.

"Kids!" Daniel's mom called, even though we were both in our adulthood we wouldn't argue with that.

As we made our way into the kitchen Daniel grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

In the kitchen we found not only his parents and siblings, but two other families. One consisting of only a mother and her daughter, both of Hispanic descent. The other was a white couple and their son who looked to be around 8 years old.

After I was introduced to the Beta family the Hispanic woman looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Melissa, and this is my daughter Natalia. Sorry, my husband couldn't make it today." She said shaking my hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet the both of you." I said and smiled at her, then Natalia who only offered a smile that didn't reach her eyes. What's her problem?

'I sense a little bit of jealousy.' Alina says to me, causing me to giggle a little.

"Well, dinner is ready so everyone sit at the table." Lauren said, noticing the tension brewing between Natalia and I.

"So, Gabrielle. Tomorrow you'll meet a few more people at a banquet and then you'll begin classes to become the Luna. Do you feel prepared?" Benjamin, the Beta inquired after wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah. I-I think so." I begin. "Being that I, I wasn't raised as a wolf will there be some kind of training for that as well?" I ask looking between the Alpha and Beta curiously. This was going to be a heavy responsibility and I wanted to handle it the best that I can.

"Yes, however that's your mates job." Michael, Daniels dad tells me, looking over to Daniel to receive a nod.

"Ok." I say as I finish my dinner and notice Natalia burning holes in the side of my face. I look over to her and screw my eyebrows together briefly and she just rolls her eyes. Not wanting to engage in a fight on my first day, I just decide to ignore her. My self confidence, however crumbling slightly under the intensity of her stare.

A/N; Wellll sorry the update took 5ever, I can't see the actual length being that I'm on my phone because my laptop broke, I hope it's acceptable chap 5 is coming soon I PROMISE. Natalia is in the picture. And take a look at the chappie a where there were pictures of Gabi, I changed her appearance to fit her age better 😌
Why is Natalia being shady?
Where's Melissa's hubby?
Comment, vote & stay tuned 😁😉✌️


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