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Y/N's point of view (your)

We're standing outside of Eddie's house, his mother just left with her broken son (both mentally and physically) and a sour attitude. I frankly feel bad for Eddie, his mother is so controlling over him. She's basically brainwashed him into thinking he's sick. I've tried to tell him the truth, but he doesn't believe me. Honestly, if I were him I would rather trust my mother over a 13 year old girl too. I just feel bad. You know?

Thanks to Bill, we had just barged into an old "abandon house", that was occupied by a killer clown moments before. Pennywise is responsible for a lot of weird crap going on in town, he has kidnapped and even killed kids... this includes the losers club. He's really old, we are talking over hundreds of thousands of years old here. After Pennywise finishes feeding off fear from children, he hibernates for 27 years. Once up, he continues his cycle with new victims. Well, this is only a theory Ben came up with, but it seems accurate.

All of a sudden the silence was broken when Bill spoke up, "I saw the well.. we-we know where it is and-and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill is basically the leader of the losers club. He is made fun of because he has a stutter that he can't control, although I honestly find it kinda cute. It can be annoying at times though, when you have to wait for him to complete a sentence. The anticipation and the patience, of which I don't have urges me to want to interrupt him by trying to complete it for him, but I keep my mouth shut and wait politely anyway. He's pretty tall, and has neatly trimmed blonde hair. He never passes up the opportunity to wear long sleeve flannels, even in the summer.

Anyway, it was quiet for a second. We were all standing in the middle of the street, and I gave Bill a look of disgust as I snapped back to reality. Eddie is seriously injured and all he's worrying about is "next time". He's so eager to find Georgie. Georgie was Bill's younger brother, his best friend even. He went missing last year, everyone in town knows he's dead, except for Bill. Bill just can't accept it.

"No, no next time Bill! You're insane!" screamed the curly haired boy in front of me. That's Stanley Uris, one of my best friends in the group. He has the fluffiest and cutest noodle curls that lay on top of his head. He's the most logical one in the group. That's one of the reasons I've had a crush on him for so long. Stanley was always getting picked on for being Jewish. It just wasn't fair. His father is the rabbi, so he already has so much pressure on him. Another thing Stan and I have in common is that we are weaker than the others. That's why when Stan opened his mouth, everyone's jaw dropped. Except for Beverly.

Bev was the only other girl in the losers club. She was truly a fiery red head. I've gotten to know her better over these past few days, but I wish we could be closer. I was so zoned out all I could see was Bev yelling, but heard no words. Then it was Richie's turn to join in on the yelling.

Ah, Richard Toizer. The cute trashmouth with the over sized glasses. He had mop like black hair and wore whatever T-shirt he could find on his floor. He never talks about his parents, probably because he stopped caring shortly after they did. He was nicknamed trashmouth because the only thing that came out of his mouth were dirty jokes and awful one liners. The only thing that came in his mouth was Mrs. K (Up top *cue Stan rolling his eyes and not high fiving back*)

He and Stan were my first ever friends in town. He was responsible for introducing me to Bill and Eddie. We were the original losers club. We all had one thing in common Like seriously, it's like Henry and his gang have no life. They go after the flaws in our life that we can't control. They were always there for me, I think that's why I like them so much. Which is my problem, I like two of my best friends! Both of them, and neither of them see me in that way unless it's one of Richie's dumb "Hey, Hot stuff", or "Doll face" pickup lines.

 Which is my problem, I like two of my best friends! Both of them, and neither of them see me in that way unless it's one of Richie's dumb "Hey, Hot stuff", or "Doll face" pickup lines

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All I heard was blah, blah, blah 'Georgie'. Blah Blah Blah. 'Take it Back.' Then all of a sudden Richie shoved Bill. Then Bill wound up his fist and punched Richie right in the face! "Bill what the hell!" I screamed. Stan and I both ran over and helped Richie up. I eventually lost grip and everything was a blur.

Word count 857. (sorry if it was long and or confusing)

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