Richie's Girl

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Stan's POV:

Yesterday at the quarry, Y/n and I made up. Today, I was going to the library with Ben, I feel like we haven't hung out, just us, in forever. The two of us took a shortcut behind Keen's pharmacy. As we made it to the alley way behind, I saw Richie and Y/n walking towards me. I was scared they were gonna notice me. Since I wasn't ready to face the both of them in my now currently angered state, I tell Ben that I'm gonna head inside to use the bathroom.
"You sure Stan? The library is only a block away, it won't take that long." Ben seemed disappointed that we were going to have to wait so I decided to reassure him.
"You know what? Yea, I'm gonna head in there, but feel free to continue to the library." You see, it was a weird concept that it was safe for any member of the losers club to walk alone on the streets and maintain safety. I'm still trying to grasp my head around the fact that Henry, his goons, and that ugly clown are all gone. The only monsters that need to be overcome now are my jealousy, my father, and my feelings for Y/n.

"Oh I see, well I hope you three will be able to talk through it. Don't worry about the library, I'll see you tomorrow. Tell her how you feel, and have fun." Ben snapped me out of my confused state, but then the realization hit that Ben did not notice our two friends before hand.

"Thanks dude, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said as I mucked up my courage mentally preparing myself for an embarrassing conversation. I walk over to Y/n and Richie.
"Stanley! Hi there, I was gonna go to your house to ask you a question. You're here now however, so... Do you have a moment?" Y/n sweetly asked, with a hint of worry in her voice. Is this her way of asking my permission to date Richie?
"Um... er- yea." I say scratching the back of my neck with my clammy hand.
"Well you remember that Dustin kid I was telling you about? The one I went to summer camp with? Well, he invited me over to his place to meet some of his friends and basically have a little reunion. My question for you is, would you like to come with me?" I stood there in silence not knowing how to respond. "Dustin said I can bring two friends to accompany me, and I figured I would bring Bev and either you or Richie..." Knowing she asked me before Richie brought a smile to my face, maybe I was misreading their friendship.
"...Since Richie can't make it, I was wondering if you would join instead." There it was, my hopes and dreams crashing in front of me. Obviously that's not the only thing that crashed, because y/n's eyes narrowed in thought as she watched my smile fall.
"Is everything okay over here." Richie must have come in concern of both of our facial expressions. Out of context you would think the two of us have been in a fight for the whole seven minute conversation. Maybe it's a good thing Richie interrupted, because we weren't far off from one.
"I was asking Stan if he could come to Dustin's with me." Y/n said as she tried her best to stay optimistic about my angered expression.
"You know what, something came up. I'm busy for the next week, but maybe your boyfriend will be able to go with you in the end." I could feel my eyes roll unintentionally as I stormed off. It was a force of habit and at this point I couldn't tell if I was more angered or saddened.
My jealousy took over, and I ran home and locked my bedroom door. I did what anyone would do in this situation... escape. Not in the way you would assume though, I'm too weak to survive one day on my own, so there is no way that I'm running away. I don't even know how my dad would act, but instead, I escaped in music. I turned on the radio, and as if the universe was sending a sign, the opening cords to Jessie's girl began to play. So I lay on my bed an emotional wreck singing along to the song. The hurricane in my brain couldn't even allow one emotion to dominate another. I wanted to cry, scream, punch the wall, something, anything. However, I just lay in my bed singing the lyric alone in my thoughts.
A/N: *Play song at the top now... if it doesn't work look up Jessie's girl lyrics.*

"Jessie's Girl"

Richie is a friend,
Yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed
It ain't hard to define
Richie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine

And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it!
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night

You know I wish that I had Richie's girl
I wish that I had Richie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?

I'll play along with the charade
That doesn't seem to be a reason to change
You know I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably moot

'Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it!
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night

You know I wish that I had Richie's girl
I wish that I had Richie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?

Like Richie's girl
I wish that I had Richie's girl
Where can I find a woman...
Where can I find a woman like that?

And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time
Wonderin' what she don't see in me
I've been funny; I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love's supposed to be?

Tell me, where can I find a woman like that?

You know I wish that I had Richie's girl
I wish that I had Richie's girl
I want Richie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?

Like Richie's girl
I wish that I had Richie's girl
I want, I want Richie's girl

1117 words Not proof read, sorry if it was confusing. I also apologize for any grammar and spelling mistakes. I will be trying my best to give you the rest of the story before Christmas. (My present) So there will be one or two more chapters. They may, again, conflict with the time line, but honestly I'm just trying my best here.

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