Cries and Goodbyes

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Y/n's POV:


It's been a week since the fight. I haven't talked to anyone but Stan, Eddie, and Rich It's been a week since I've seen Derry or Maine. The second I got home, my mom told me about a summer camp she signed me up for. She said it's because I can make new friends and learn new things, but I know that it's because she's afraid I'll go missing too. I didn't want to go, but I had no say. If dad wasn't in jail, he would have stopped me from going. Unfortunately, when you kill someone, you can't have a part in your daughters life anymore. My uncle didn't do anything, he didn't deserve to die. My father was just jealous. If he talked to me though, he would have learned that I loved...correction, LOVE him more than I loved my uncle.

I didn't say goodbye to Bill or Bev, because I was to scared. I didn't say goodbye to Mike or Ben, because we never go the chance to get close so I doubt they would have cared if I was leaving for a month.


I went to Stan's house the day before and his dad opened the door. "Hello Mr. Uris, Is Stanley home." I smile placing the paragraph I wrote in my pocket.

"Yes he is, I will go get him." He begins "Actually, on second thought, he's up in his bedroom. It's up the stairs and the second door o the left." he finished.

"Thank you sir." he looks at me and nods with a smile on his face. Mr. Uris isn't that found of me, I think it's because (If you are not Jewish you can insert your religion here, or you can be an atheist or a heathen. If you are Jewish he has absolutely no problem with you. I don't know that much about religion so I'm not going to explain any further). Stan has told me that I make his dad happy, which he doesn't see often. He's told Stan that I'm smart and polite, which makes me a good influence for his son. His mother on the other hand, accepted me the moment she laid eyes on me. She always put aside a different meal for the losers when we came over. She didn't want to force us to eat kosher, Richie and I never minded though.

I arrived to stand room and saw him on his bed crying. This wasn't gonna make it easy for me to tell him I'm leaving. I walked over and sat on his bed, he didn't realize though until I cleared my throat. "Y/n, what are you doing here... why are you in my room?" his eyes widen and he seemed all freaked out and panicky. I was going to offer to leave, but as he was wiping his tears away I pulled him into a hug and began to play with his noodle hair. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in tighter continuing to cry into my shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay. Tell me what's wrong and I can help you." I say trying to calm him down.

"It's everything!" he sobs, "My dad, you leaving, my Torah reading, the losers club, Bowers, IT, everything." He continues to cry as your eyes widen.

"How did you know I was leaving?" you begin to cry as well.

"Your mom told my mom." he looked up at me a bit calmer now. "Don't cry because of me, please. It hurts to see you in pain."

"Why do you think I'm crying in the first place?" I chuckle. "Guess I won't be needing this." I take the paper out of my pocket and begin to crumple it up. Stan, looks at the paper and rips it out of my hand. "Give it back!" I yell while also laughing. Stan kept pushing my head away which made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe.

"How to tell Stan the man you're leaving." he began. You face palmed yourself in embarrassment. "1: Don't tell him at all, crossed out. Next to it is written... No, that is dumb, he doesn't deserve that. 2: Send this in the mail... nope 3: speech to Stan, you have been my best friend, never mind just wing it." He reads aloud as the two of you continue to laugh. "You are so stupid l/n... oooh, is this the address?"

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