Sleep Over

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y/n POV

Time skip:

The past month was wild, I went to camp and met Dustin, he invited me to come visit Hawkins sometime. Stan's a year older, Bev was kidnapped by IT, we killed IT, and my crushes for both Stan and Richie grew the more they sent me letters. The letters were just simple catch ups, I miss yous, and compliments. Stan wrote me poems and Richie wrote me jokes.

Stan's leter:

Birds may sing,

For all of mankind,

But nothing is more beautiful than the thought of you popping into my mind.

(A/N sorry I'm not a poet)

(A/N sorry I'm not a poet)

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Richie's letter:

1. It takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do

2. I was wondering why the frisbee kept getting bigger and bigger, but then it hit me

3. The easiest time to add insult to injury is when you're signing someone's cast. (I used that one on Eddie)

4. I'm emotionally constipated. I haven't given a sh*t in days.

5.What is the difference between "ooooooh"and "aaaaaaah"? About three inches. (A/N this seemed like something Richie would say sorry)

6.Light travels faster than sound, which is the reason why Richie appears bright before you hear him speak. (Richie shouldn't have let me double check this-Stan the man)

 (Richie shouldn't have let me double check this-Stan the man)

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Back to what I was saying, I have a major problem. The only people who know about my crushes are Bev and Suzie. Unfortunately, Suzie can't help me here. I pick up my phone and Dial a number from Utah. "Suzie, it's y/n how are you?"

"Y/N! It's been four days and I miss you so much already, are you coming to camp next year?"

"Um... I'll have to see what happens, but I actually called you for some help."

"What is it? I owe you one since you helped me a Dusty get together."

"Actually, I wanted to know if you wanted to come to Hawkins with me to see Dustin and meet his friends."

"He invited you too!"

"Yea, but I want to go the same day you do- oh sorry Suzie can I call you back? I'm getting another call."

"No problem y/n, see you soon!"

I answer the next call and hear...
"Hey hottie, you coming over to Ben's house?" The familiar voice asks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world Beverly!"

"Ok wear something cute. Oh, and we're going to the quarry tomorrow morning."

"Perfect I'll be there in 20." Bev let's out a little cheer after hearing your response, then she hangs up the phone.

I get my stuff together and grab an empty beer bottle and stuff it in between my pillow and sleeping bag. I also bring a book in case everyone falls asleep. I grab my walkie talkie and head out the door.

I drove my bike all the way to Ben's house and stood my bike up right next to what looks like Stan's. This is because everyone else just threw their bike on the ground. My bike was a decent amount of money, so I take care of it.

I knock on the door and Ben answers. Ben is chubbier than the other members of the losers club. That and the fact that he was the new kid last school year made him an easy target for Henry. "Y/n you made it! Come on in." You enter the house and walk downstairs to see the others sitting in a circle.
"Um... am I interrupting your ritual?" I smirked at my snarky comment and so did Richie.
"Come join us hot stuff." Richie says keeping the smirk he had from prior. He tosses me a glass Coca-Cola bottle and pats the empty spot next to him. I walk over and take a seat.

(639 words)

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