Quarry Confusion

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Stanley's POV:

I'm so stupid! When we were in the closet I thought our kiss meant something, anything. I guessed wrong because who does she love? Oh yea, Richie effing Toizer. How could he do this? Rich is one of my closest friends, he knew I liked her.  My eyes are welled with tears as I exit Ben's house into the storm.

"Stan my man, wait up!" I heard a heavy breathing Mike run toward me, soaked from the rain. I paused and turned to face my friend.

"Mike... I thought, she'd choose me." I choked out as the words were caught in bubbles forming in my throat. Mike pulls me into a tight hug as I let all my emotions out.

"Everything's going to be fine man. I know you're upset, but trust me when I say... you better be at the quarry tomorrow." He pulls me in tighter from the shoulders, but slowly pulls away when he feels my head shake on his chest.

"I-I *sniffle* I can't do it Mike. I don't want to have to see her with him." I wiped the tears away from my eyes, then softy rubbed the bottom of my nose.

"You CAN'T do it?! Stan, you helped kill a demonic killer clown two weeks ago, but you can't talk to Y/n and tell her what she means to you?" Mike raises his voice in his 'dad' tone the losers club know a little too well.

"I guess you're right. I'll be there at 9:00." I said slightly more confident, and with less tears. Mike just nodded while flashing me a grin. He walked closer to me for a side hug, then he pounded his hand against my back. I returned the smile and Mike turned around to head back to Ben's house.

Timeskip: (to 9:00 am at the quarry)

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Timeskip: (to 9:00 am at the quarry)

I showed up to the quarry a few minutes later than everyone else. I saw the rest of the guys in their underwear, and Y/n, Bev, and I were still in our regular clothes. Y/n turned and I gave a weak smile.

"Hey noodles." she says calmly. "Noodles. Noodles?" Y/n speaks faintly this time, almost as if she was thinking out loud, confused. "STANLEY!" Y/n turned around and ran directly into my arms, squeezing me tightly. My weak smile turned into a genuine one as I tried to hide my blush from Bev.

I failed. "Awww, so you guys are okay again? Um-ok... uh... HOW CUTE!!!!!" I couldn't tell if she was slightly disturbed, or really happy. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I just continued to hold the shorter girl in my arms. Well, I did until I heard what sounded like crying. I pulled apart.

"What's wrong are you okay?" I asked deeply concerned. She slowly lifted her head up to reveal that she was laughing the entire time. "What?" I asked beginning to chuckle. Her smile, her laugh. They were just so contagious, she looked beautiful whenever she had one on her face.

The girl turned to bring her face to my ear while she whispered, "I actually thought you were mad at me." she chuckled in my ear "Hey, isn't that the watch I got you for your birthday last year?" I nodded in response. "It makes you look even more manly, Stanley." With this statement I blushed while I gave her a stupid toothy grin.

"Oh, you wanna help me pull a prank on Eddie and Richie?" I nodded and we came up with a quick plan.

Eddie: "You won?"

Richie: "Yea!"

Eddie: "Did you see my loogie?"

Richie: "That went the furthest! It's by distance"

Eddie: "Mass. It's always been mass."

Richie: "What the f- what i- what is mass?"

Just then I ran up behind Richie and Y/n ran up behind Eddie as we pushed them off the rock at the same time. They screamed like little girls the whole way down.

After Y/n, Bev, and I got out of our regular clothes, Y/n held my hand and jumped down. When I looked at her it felt like time slowed. Her hair began to float upward, her eyes shut tight, yet she still wore that beautiful smile. A sudden shock hit when my body hit the water. I was okay though, because I was with her.

 I was okay though, because I was with her

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A/N: Sorry this is one of the shorter chapters

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A/N: Sorry this is one of the shorter chapters. 761 words.

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