The Final Days

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Dustin's POV:

It was the final week at camp, and a sad one might I add. I made so many new friends, like Y/n and my hot girlfriend Suzie. Not to mention, I became the most popular kid at camp. I received one final letter from Steve today, it reads...

'Hey Dustin, I am so sorry, but I won't be able to see you when you get home. I miss my best friend everyday. Can't wait to see you soon!'

-Mamma Steve

'P.S I attached a coupon for the new Starcourt Mall on the back, take it as an early welcome home present.'

^^^^^ enjoy my edited photo ^^^^^I flipped over the paper to see a scoops ahoy coupon

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^^^^^ enjoy my edited photo ^^^^^
I flipped over the paper to see a scoops ahoy coupon. Scoops is the new ice cream place in the mall,  also, not to mention Steve's dream job. I feel an airy smile form on my lips, and I put the letter into my back pack. 

"Dusty-bun, can I talk to you?" I turn around to see Suzie in the doorway of my cabin. I walk towards her and grab her hand, after I squeeze her hand in reassurance, we head over toward my bunk bed to sit down. She looks at my hand and I quickly let go, assuming that I was squeezing her tiny, porcelain hand. 

"Oh no, bunny. I promise it's nothing bad, I just want to talk about the obvious fact that today is our last day at camp." she pouts and grabs my wrist, retracting it from my neck where it previously sat. I suddenly felt a wave of relief fill my body when Suzie flashed her bright, bubbly smile.  I always found it so cute how her teeth could radiate, while they began to fill a section of her face. Her eyes would scrunch up under her glasses and how her cheeks lift up, pushing her glasses with it. I didn't even realize how long of been starring until I noticed the loud sigh that left my lips. I quickly removed my hand from underneath my chin, causing me to fall forward. 

"Oops, turns out that hand was supporting all my weight." I laughed in embarrassment.

"Haha, you are the cutest... oh, I almost forgot why I came in here. I got you this." Once Suzie finished, she brought forward the arm that was hidden behind her back since she entered. A giant box was handed to me wrapped with a bow and everything. 

"What's this?" I ask cocking an eyebrow.

"Just open it." Suzie says. I can hear that her voice is composed half of eagerness, and half impatience. So I do as I'm told and rip apart the wrapping paper, and I open the giant rectangular box that sat in my lap.

My eyes widened in shock as I shouted ,"You finished the Cerebro?!" Suzie's smile widened.

"Well I had no other option. If I want to communicate with you, I have to do it without my parents knowing. If it wasn't finished, it would be impossible." She winked, causing my smile to widen across my face. The Cerebro is a radio that Suzie and I have been working on during our last few weeks at camp. Since Suzie is a Mormon, her parents are very strict. We both knew that her parents would disapprove if a boy called her, so we made the Cerebro to work around the problem. 

I pulled Suzie into a tight hug and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Y/n's POV:

"Achem... I hate to interrupt this cute moment, but we have to get to get to the lunch house." I say leaning in the doorway of Dustin's bunkhouse.

"Y/n!, how did you find us?" I look at the curly haired boy and smirked.

"Well, obviously, Suzie wasn't in our room... oh, and not to mention Suzie stayed up all night working on your secret telephone and in the morning started yelling 'Dusty's gonna love this, I need to show him.' blah blah blah." I said all mater-of-factly. Dustin just scratched his neck and chuckled nervously. Jeez, he reminded me of Stan so much. From the curly hair, to his dorky personality. The only difference is he's to cocky, and his humor is actually funny, unlike Richie... no offence to Richie of course. It's one of my favorite qualities he has, it makes him unique. 

"I don't sound that that!" Suzie complained, she even dragged out the 't' to make it whiny. I couldn't hold in my laugh any longer, as soon as Suzie's face began to redden, my the tension in my diaphragm released and I burst out laughing. The fist that once tightened at the shorter girls sides suddenly loosened as Dustin kissed her on the cheek.  

"You kissed me again." she sighed. 

"Let's go love buns." I giggle as I grab the couples' wrists each individually and drag them out the door. 

Time skip:

We all sat in the lunch house in the center of the camp. I took my normal seat next to Dustin, and we were making friendship bracelets as we waited for buses to come and take us to the parent pickup parking lot. 

"Hey guys the buses will be here in five minutes, make sure everything is packed up for you when you board the buses." The camp counselor yelled to everyone in the room. 

"Aww man only five minutes?" Dustin frowned.

"Hey Dusty can we sing? It might cheer everyone up."

A/N: Ok, so you can scroll all the way up and click the lyric video at the top. If it doesn't work, you can look up "Never Ending Story Stranger Things" on YouTube. Feel free to sing along.

Dustin began singing Suzie's favorite song Never Ending Story and Suzie soon joined in. Eventually the whole camp including Y/n began singing. 

Turn around
Look at what you see
In her face
The mirror of your dreams

Make believe I'm everywhere
Given in the light
Written on the pages
Is the answer to a never ending story

Reach the stars
Fly a fantasy
Dream a dream
And what you see will be

Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon a rainbow
Is the answer to a never ending story

Once the song finishes, the campers get on the buses and hug goodbye. Y/n gets in her car and begins to think about what a blast she had at camp, but she's also super excited to see the losers club again, hoping they have all made up by now. 

"Next stop, Derry!"

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