Turn Around

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Y/n's POV:

Ugh I'm so stupid! Why did I tell him I asked Richie? I panicked, now he hates me. That's fine, I'm fine! It's been three days and Stan has avoided me... well I guess we've both collectively avoided each other. He just stormed off, I have a right to be mad too. And boyfriend? Boyfriend? Richie? Richie my Boyfriend? Is he mental?!
"Y/n are you okay? You've been a little quiet ever since you and Bev arrived." Dustin seemed to care, we spent one summer together, but he is one of my closest, most loyal friend.
"I... I'm.. yeah I'm fine, yea-" I tried to finish my sentence, I did. I have no clue why I broke into tears, but I saw the way Mike and El look at each other, and I looked up to see Dustin's curly hair. It's like all the emotions I've had bottled up for three days just shattered on the ground. Leaving the bottle cap to be lost somewhere under a couch, so the emotions could never again be concealed.
"I miss him!" I blurted out. My eyes along with everyone else's grew two times their original size.
"Who do you miss?" Questioned the red head, she was kinda badass and reminded me of Bev, it's no wonder why so far this trip they have gotten along so well.

"Is it that Stanley boy?" asked Suzie. I just nodded my head in response. Although, I couldn't help but notice Bev grabbing a walkie talkie out of her bag and setting it on the leg of the desk adjacent to her.

"It's just, it hurts. I thought I was okay, I really thought I was, but I'm not." I explain and as Max smirks Suzie comes to my side and hugs me. "To be honest," I continue. "...that felt good to get off my chest." I was able to wipe the tears off my cheek and continued to talk with the group about other subjects. Until, Lucas suggested a game. TRUTH OR DARE.

"Y/n truth or dare?" Max asked me with a smug look on her face, the one that Richie normally has when he's up to no good. So, Richie's typical face.

"Truth!" I say, we just started the game. Therefore, the dares in the beginning are never good, you gotta get the dares in the middle of the game when it's heated.

"Describe your dream boy." Max giggled into the palm of her hand.

"Hmmm, well they need to have a heart. Not a fake one, I'm talking about a pure heart that will care no matter what either of you have been through. He will be able to comfort me in days of sad, and I will do the same for him in return. He needs to know how to take a joke too, considering my friends and I make jokes all the time. He needs to be prepared for witty banter back and forth. He needs to know not to take a joke to heart. I like a sensitive guy too, he needs emotions. In order to be with me he needs to be open with his feelings and be easy to read. I like dorks I guess." I laugh the last part and think back to the day Stan walked me home.


"Stan you're the biggest dork I've ever met!" I said laughing. His smile dropped and I noticed he was upset. I nudged him with my elbow and said, "Hey, no dork is a good thing. Dorks are really cute." Stan's face turned red and he looked down to hide it. I wan't lying though, he is cute, as cute as they come even. I look down at my hand still holding his wrist, I wish I could stay in this position forever.

End of Flashback*

"Y/n?! Do you know who you just described?" Beverly asked me with a stupid wide toothed grin plastered across the lower half of her face.

I cocked my eyebrows giving her a confused and questionable look. "You like Stanley Uris, I know you do. You have been denying it for so long, but you basically just admitted it." She hugged her knees and winked at me.

"Am no-" I began until I was interrupted.

"Don't you dare Y/n it's obvious. Right everyone." Will smiled at me, and I just sat there with a red face as everyone began to nod and laugh with each other.

"You know what? Fine I'll admit it I like Stanley Uris. No, it's more than that. He makes me cry when he's not around, he makes me feel safe when I'm in his presence. He makes me laugh when he's making fun of Richie. He annoys me when he thinks I'm together with Richie or any other guy. He annoys me because he doesn't see that I OBVIOUSLY LOVE HIM!..." I stopped and everyone's eyes widened, while Bev and Suzie just smiled at me. "I love Stanley Uris." I repeat myself just above a whisper that everyone can hear me, but not as loud as I was before.

"Y/N, I dare you to turn around." Beverley smiled at me.

"But I didn't choose dar-"

"Just do it!" A voice cut me off, it was a familiar voice, but it was one I haven't heard in a while. I slowly turn around in the direction of the voice to see a tall, well put together boy, with a brown curly mop sitting on top of his head.

"I love you too Y/n." He smiled, he had no fear. There was no sarcasm in his voice. He sounded like he did when we were alone talking with no one around.

"Yessss it worked!" Richie yelled as he burst through the door with the other members of the losers club, and a tall brown haired teenager with a baseball bat in hand.

"Nice one Richie." Beverley said as she waved the walkie talkie from earlier in the air. I smiled at her shaking my head in a jokingly disappointing manor. I then looked back at Stan and wiped the tears off my face, of which I didn't even know existed.

"How?" I ask while Stan pulls me into his side for a hug. I angle my body so my arms are warped around his torso and I snuggled my face in his chest.

"We hid one in Stan's room and Bev took the other. Mike and Bill informed us on how much both of you were suffering, so we made a few phone calls before your trip. Since you couldn't convince Stan to leave, we just gave that extra push after we called and asked Steve here..." he points to the previously unnamed teen. "...to drive us all here. Know you are both in love and I get to be the godfather!"

"Yea Richie, because Bev and Bill would be the aunt and uncle, so you and Eddie would be the godparents." I slapped my hand over my mouth as Richie became instantly red. "I am so sorry Richie, I didn't mean to."

"It's fine, it's about time I tell everyone." Everyone quirks and eyebrow and looks toward the boy in glasses. "To the people I've known forever, and the people I barley just met... My name is Richie trashmouth Toizer and I am officially, now openly bisexual." Everyone laughed and clapped at the boy's terrible British accent, and out of nowhere...

Richie somehow mustered up enough courage to walk straight up to Eddie and kiss him. Within seconds, Eddie pulls away. "Richie this is very unsanitary, my mother would not approve of anything going on right now. Luckily however, my mother isn't here."


Eddie shut Richie up and kissed him back more passionate now. Stan kissed my forehead and I looked up at him. "Oh come on Stanley, just kiss me already." That's exactly what he did. He kissed me sweetly, yet there was so much passionate determination and love to back up the power. I had the boy, and the now perfect life.

3400 words I hope you enjoyed this story. I am finished with this story for now. I may come back in the new year however and re-edit or add on continuation parts, or maybe even a few tiny one shots. As for now, this is Kailey_dancer212 signing off 😉🙃

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