Biggest Dork I've ever met

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Stan's POV:

Y/n lost her grip on Richie, so Mike took over. She looked so terrified. All I was worried about was y/n. I could hear inaudible yelling in the background. All I could focus on was her. She stood straight and tall, her hair was (hair length and color) it was so soft. Once I snapped out of my daydream. Then she spoke "Bill stop it, and Richie he's not worth it so stop it." She said so softly it was almost a whisper. She said it all with the same scared facial expression as her e/c (eye color) eyes trailed to the ground.

"Oh you t-t-take his side!" Bill began angered, his eyes blazing red. "Did you not hear wh-wh-what he said about Georgie?... Or m-maybe you don't care because you like him so much." he finished and everyone including y/n gave Bill a confused look.

"What is that supposed to mean," she demanded an answer. "I'm not taking a side!" She still managed to look cute all worked up.

"Y-you kissed him!" Bill yelled. I looked at y/n for confirmation, and her eyes widened. When her jaw dropped I knew it was true. She liked the trashmouth and it broke my heart.

 She liked the trashmouth and it broke my heart

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Y/n POV:

My jaw dropped as I remembered what had happened. About fifteen minutes ago, I kissed Richie in the Neilbolt house. He found a paper claiming he was missing, which clearly he wasn't, but it still freaked him out. We tried to convince him it wasn't real, but he wouldn't listen. He couldn't listen because he couldn't shut up. So I did the only thing I could thing of I kissed him. "Now listen to me, this isn't real your still here." I reassured him after slowly breaking the kiss. That was the scariest thing of ever done, I got kiss my crush. It doesn't count tho it was for five seconds at most. I panicked!

"He was freaking out, I thought it would shut him up!" I defended myself. I looked over at Richie who readjusted his oversized glasses, straightening them out, and then he nods. He humphed then said.

"Yea, it's not like it meant anything! Although, doll face is one hell of a kisser." He smirked and looked at me causing me to blush. The words he said replayed in my head 'it didn't mean anything' 'she's one hell of a kisser' which one was it Rich, make up your mind. I suddenly heard Stan sigh, and the second I looked at him, our eyes locked. He quickly redirected his eyes to his feet almost instantly.

"Whatever Richie

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"Whatever Richie." I started rolling my eyes. "I'm leaving before this escalates any further." I finished I looked over at Stan who kept his eyes drawn to his shoes.

I turned to start walking away when I heard Bev scream "This is what IT wants!" She continued to yell at me, but I didn't listen. I didn't care what IT wanted I just wanted to go home. I began walking, but I was to scared to walk alone. So I ran up to one of the boys and grabbed his wrist.

Stan's POV:

"What the-" I say confused as I feel a tug on my arm. I look up and see none other than y/n dragging me down the street.

"You're walking me home" she said anger still left in her voice from the fight. I liked knowing her hand was so close to mine, but I ripped my arm away because she began squeezing it.

"I can walk myself, you don't have to drag me. Let alone cut off my blood circulation." I joked. It was silent for a moment so I began to panic. "I-I-I'm sorry, I know you're mad. I shouldn't of made a joke I- oh no I'm acting just like Richie right now. I should, I should go." 'Good going Stan, you're a stammering mess and can't even hold a conversation. She's gonna hate you, she's gonna hate y-' just then my thoughts were cute off by the cutest laugh I've ever heard.

"Stan you're the biggest dork I've ever met!" she said laughing. Great she thinks I'm a dork. Obviously, she noticed I was upset, because she nudge me with her elbow and said, "Hey, no dork is a good thing. Dorks are really cute." as she finished her eyes widened. I could feel my cheeks heat up into a dark, cherry red blush.

We sat staring at each other when her guardian came out the door and yelled, "Y/n, dinner's ready in ten... oh hello Stan, would you like to join us for dinner?"

"Oh I'm sorry Mrs. L/n, I don't think my father would like that. I'm supposed to be practicing my Torah reading, but thank you anyway." I said, y/n's mother smiled.

"No problem Stanley, maybe some other time. See you at the bar mitzvah!" she said. I nodded my head and turned to start heading to my house. "He's so polite, he would be perfect for you y/n." I hear her say.

"Moooooooom Stop it!" y/n whisper shouts. She sounds so cute when she's embarrassed.

888 words (hope you enjoyed this part ;D)

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