The Middle of Nowhere.

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My mom dropped me off yesterday, and this place is worse than school. Well almost, Bowers luckily isn't here. I just want these four weeks to fly by. "I can't wait to get out of here." I mumble. I thought no one was around to here me, but I was wrong. This short girl with black pig tails and glasses taps me on the shoulder. 'She came out of know where (haha get it). Oh no that's a Richie joke. I miss Richie... and Stan. I hope they're okay.'

"But you just got here." her voice is higher in pitch, but she seems confident. "You look new, I haven't seen you around before." I nod and we talk for hours, getting to know each other.

" I nod and we talk for hours, getting to know each other

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Time skip:

I've spent three days here now and made friends with some more kids. I also wasn't fully aware this was a summer camp that taught you math and science. Luckily I'm pretty smart so I pick up on the material fast. (If you aren't really the smart just pretend, y/n still ain't no Albert Einstein)

It was a Tuesday and Suzie and I were eating lunch in the cafeteria, when I see her jaw drop. She was facing the door and I sat on the bench across from her. I turn to the door and see a kid with curly brown hair sit down at the table next to us. Suzie leans in and starts to whisper "Y/n he's so cute!" I smile and get up from our table and sit next to Suzie's new crush.

"Hey my name is y/n." I greet the nameless boy and put my hand out for him to shake it.

"Dustin." he says "Dustin Henderson." he smiles revealing a smile with some missing teeth. You give a frown and he notices you saw his teeth. He puts his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry..." I begin, "It's just my friend Suzie, thinks you're really cute. She hasn't taken her eyes off you since she saw you walk in." you point to Suzie and Dustin looks up locking eyes with her. Suzie smiles and waves.

Dustin gets up and walks with you to Suzie, who is still sitting alone

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Dustin gets up and walks with you to Suzie, who is still sitting alone. "I'm Suzie." she pushes a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

"Dustin." he smiles. Suzie sees his smile and she swoons and turns red. "Oh sorry my teeth" he is cut off by Suzie.

"They're really cute." Dustin smiles, and begins to blush. He does his 'Grrrrr' thing and Suzie is the only person he has ever met that actually likes it. He knew he was in love with her.

One week later:

"What should I do y/n?"

"Ask her out."

"But what if she says no?!"

"She's not."

"How do you know?"

"She never shuts up about you."

"Should I get her something?"

"She likes your blue and red hat... she can't reject you if you give her the hat." (Real ST fans know)

"Thanks y/n you're the best!"

Dustin walks over to Suzie with his hat behind his back

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Dustin walks over to Suzie with his hat behind his back. "Suzie... I... I like you." "Holy crap... I did it I said it I-" Dustin was interrupted by Suzie's lips smashing into his. I could see his eyes widen, then he melted into the kiss. When they pulled away for air there was a stupid smile left on both of their faces. "Will you be my girlfriend, Suzie?" Dustin asked.

"Of course Dusty-bun!!" that name made Dustin blush. He placed the hat on top of Suzie's head and put his arm around her shoulder.

 He placed the hat on top of Suzie's head and put his arm around her shoulder

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657 words: I hope you liked this part, I know it's not IT... but I wanted to incorporate the Stranger Things characters in this as well!

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