Chapter 1.

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2012 Luke's Birthday-

"Julie wait up!" I yelled after her running down the road. 

Flynn and I caught up to her catching our breath. 

"you. are. so. fast." Flynn huffed, her hands on her knees holding herself up. 

"Julie, dinner!" Julie's mom called.

"Well, gotta catch you later." Julie sighed waving goodbye. 

"What do you say meet up at the park at 7?" Flynn asked checking her watch.

"Sorry can't it's my brother's birthday today. So I have to go." I said grabbing my bike helmet. 

"Oh cool. I didn't know you had a brother! Tell him I say Happy Birthday." Flynn smiled waving goodbye. 

"I would if I could..." I mumbled.

"Oh...Well anyway I gotta get going."

I watched as she walked off down the street before heading the opposite direction.


Present Day 2020-

I walked down the school hallway avoiding Carrie. I noticed her handing out flyers for some dumb spirit rally. I hung my head and sped off towards Julie and Flynn.

"Oh here Katie." Carrie grinned, slamming a flyer into my chest. 

"Oh thank you!" I smiled matching her squeaky high pitched fake voice.  

"Don't bother coming, unless it is to see how much better I am then you." she giggled jumping up and down. 

I looked at the flyer I was holding. I held it close to her face and ripped in half. She gasped and flipped her hair in my face.

"DEMON!" I heard Flynn shout at her. I shook my head laughing and walk over to her as Julie was leaving. 

"Well that was unexpected." I said leaning against Julie's locker. 

"Well she deserves it, anyways, what's your next class?" she asked looking at my T-shirt. "what's Sunset Curve?" 

" Science and it was my brothers band." I pointed to the curve on the shirt. 

"Wait that's super cool!" 

"Yeah! I wish I had more music, sadly it was a long time ago so, yeah." I sighed.

Flynn knew about my family and what happened.

"Oh Katie, I'm sorry.." she frowned, pulling me into a hug.

"Don't worry about it." Waving  it off as I walked away,  "Anyway I got to get to class. Bye." 

"Bye!" She yelled after me.  

~Flash forward to music class~

Nick finished his impressive performance and took his seat next me.

"Nice work." I smiled putting my fist up for a fist bump. 

"Thanks! I hope Julie goes through with hers, she is super talented," he mumbles looking a little sad.  

"Alright, we have one last performance. Julie." Mrs. Harrison said gesturing to Julie.

Julie hesitantly stood up and sat down at the piano. I had my fingers crossed that she would play, this was her last chance.

"Come on, come on." I said to myself sitting on the edge of my seat. 

"I'm sorry." Julie said standing up in defeat.

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