Chapter 15.

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Hey guys! I can't believe how far this story has come. Make sure to vote and comment. Love you guys. Sorry for the slow updates. I'm trying to go slow so I don't run out of content before the next season comes out. hints why this is so slow. Again sorry for the slow updates. heh- Anyway Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!!!


I walked toward the exit of the school but stopped in my tracks. 

Great Jeremy....

I did a full 180 and walked the other way. I walked in circles around the school waiting for him to leave. Seeing as that was the only exit. But everytime I walked back he was just standing there on his phone. 

I decided to just ignore him and walk past him, but every time I got the courage  my mind went, HELL NO! and I turned around. 


About an hour past and he was still standing there. He looked like he was getting impatient. I hid behind the corner hoping he didn't see me when he  looked around.  I went to check were he was but he was just around the corner leaning up against the wall. I hid and held my breath.

I walked to other way back past the girls bathroom. Suddenly my phone began to ring. 


I quickly ducked behind a corner and answered. 

"Hello?" I asked confused on why she called me.

"Where are you? It's nearly 5pm." She said kind of annoyed. 

"Sorry I got caught up in something at school. It's a long story. Did you need something?" 

"YES! YOU! The boys signed us up for a gig at some coffee shop." She practically yelled through the phone. 

"What time?!" I frantically said looking around me. 

"9pm. Be there." She said and hung up. 

".... okay then." 

I ran out from behind the corner and made a B-line for the exit. Jeremy wasn't there. He must have left. 

I was so close to the door when I tripped over someone's foot and fell to the floor. 

"HAHAHA YOU IDIOT!" I heard Jeremy's say as I brushed myself off and stood up. "You can't even watch where you are going you're just that dumb." He cackled. 

"And you can't be nice even if you tired." I said starting to walk away. 

He pulled me back by my backpack and looked me dead in the eyes.

"You think you can do better then me with your hologram band?!" He snapped. 

"For your information it's not my band it's Julie's." I said calmly, even though I really wanted to blast him to the sun. 

"HA! you think I'm gonna fall for that, I saw you up there. I suggest you drop out if you want to survive high school." He whispered in my ear, with a smirk I could practically hear.

"And what would happen if I didn't?" I said raising an eyebrow at his words.

"I'll ruin your life." he said with a sly grin on his face.

"Ruin mine and I'll ruin yours." I responded with a dark aura around me saying 'I don't care.' 

He gave me a second glance before letting go of my backpack and walking away. 

"your freak and will always be one." Were his last words as he left the building. 

"THANK YOU! AT LEAST I'M NOT YOU!" I yelled at him but I got no response. 

I walked over to the bike rack and grabbed my helmet and put it on. I quickly texted my mom and said I'm going to Julie's and won't be home till late. All I got is 'no your not come home now.'  I ignored it and went on with my life. 


About 15 minutes later I got to Julie's and ran and knocked on garage door. I waited for a second before Reggie poked his head out of the wall and scared the life out of me.

"GEEZ! You scared the life out of me!" I snapped at him.

"Sorry, please don't kill me." He said hiding his face.

"you are already dead-" I started to say but just let it go with and eye roll and walked inside.

"Wait where's Julie?" I questioned. 

"Uhh problem, she got grounded-" Luke said rubbing the back of his neck. 

"WHAT?! AND NO ONE HAD THE DECENCY TO TELL ME?!" I snapped pacing back and forth.

"SHHHHHHH!" the three of them shushed me.

"If you keep  yelling Rey is going to hear you!" Alex whisper yelled. "And how can we talk to you when we don't have phone?!" 

"You know what-" I was cut off by them poofing to Julie's room. "You guys suck." 

I pulled out my headphones and phone and scrolled through my liked songs and picked one out that I wanted to play right now.  

I grabbed the electric guitar and put the volume on one, but rocked it on 10. I was finally able to just let go and have some fun. I had a smile on my face. Excitement in my eyes. Not caring who heard me play or sing. I was so into it I didn't even notice the boys behind me. The song ended and I was still smiling.


I spun around pulling my headphones out and shoving them in my pocket. 

"WHA- HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN STANDING THERE??!!?!?!" I freaked out, resertining in me yelling at them. 

"Woah calm down firecracker." Alex said trying to calm me down. 

"Don't even." I said giving him my back. 

"You are just lucky Julie didn't hear you." Reggie said with fear in his eyes. 

"Yeah just don't tell her or you ARE dead." Luke pointed.

"Don't tell who?" we froze at the voice that came from behind us. 

~To be continued~

Sorry for the late update. Hope you all are doing well! Thank you to my loyal readers and fans! This story wouldn't be possible without you. <3

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