Chapter 19.

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HOLY COW, 56.9K, Wha- how- who? I have no words. I can't explain how much I love you guys. Ya'll are awesome and amazing  I wish you the best and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry or Happy whatever your celebrate. I also have a challenge for you, I want you guys to come up with what you think Katie looks like. If you draw pictures send then to me on discord (username listed in bio), I think it would be fun to see what you guys come up with.  


"what do we do first? facemasks? Karaoke? OOOOOH ORRRR paint out nails?!" Julie asked frantically pulling  things out of corners and looking around. 

"Juls calm down, and I say...hmm. Karaoke!!!" I said bouncing up and down. "I'm gonna blast you all away. 

"ooh can I play?" Reggie asked joining our bounce party. 

"YASSSS!" I yelled jumping in his arms as he spun me around.  

"okay off." he whined. 

"oh sorry." I laughed rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Get a room." Alex scoffed as casual as he could.

"No. NO! They should NOT get a room." Luke freaked pointing to me and Reggie.

"Okay calm down it was a joke." I pointed out, "lets rock this place away!" 

"ummmm.....first song? OOH I GOT ONE!!" I yelled walking over to the laptop that we hooked up to the projector. 

( was having trouble playing the song, so i linked it above feel free to check it out.) 

The song started playing and I started singing. I looked to the side and saw Reggie smiling at me.

 I looked to the side and saw Reggie smiling at me

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Precious. He made my heart flutter. God he is cute. 

I danced with Julie. We jumped around the room singing the lyrics at the top of our lungs. The song ended and Julie and I fell on the floor like we died. We looked at eachother and burst out laughing. 

I took a seat next to Reggie who was still smiling softly at my weirdness.

"That was awesome." he whispered. 

"Thanks." I said back to him. 

"Umm I'm gonna get some fresh air, It's pretty stuffy in here." I said walking out.

"okay hurry back the boys are up next." Julie laughed. 

"wouldn't miss it for the world." I said laughing at her. 

I got outside and walk to the side of the garage and sunk to the floor. What if the Orpheum isn't their unfinished business... I don't want to lose them to Caleb or want them to leave.....I love them...and Luke he's my brother, the brother I never knew and I finally got to meet him. And, and Reggie, the first person I really liked, and he's dead. And Alex we never really talked mucheck but he is one of my best friends....I don't want to lose them. 

I brought my knees to my chest and buried my face in my knees. I looked up at the dark blue sky that was speckled  with stars.  

I felt the pain in my chest but it hurt more then last time. The purple light flashed in my eyes, it felt so hard to breathe for a few seconds. My breathing hitched and tears fell down my face.  

"Katie?" I heard a voice ask from behind me, it was Alex. 

I quickly wiped my tears away and looked at him, he face was full of concern

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I quickly wiped my tears away and looked at him, he face was full of concern. 

 "Please don't tell anyone." was all I managed to mumble out. 

"I won't if you tell me what's going on." he said taking a seat on the floor next to me. 

"I'm sorry! This is all my fault." I cried into my knees. 

"Woah hey, don't cry what's wrong?" Alex freaked out trying to get my to stop crying. 

"I love you guys so much. I was so happy when Julie found her voice again, I praised you. When I met my brother I was so freaking happy. Reggie became a crush, and you became part of my family." I cried, so much guilt filled my head right at that moment. "The night of the dance....Caleb talked to me, I have the same mark you do, only my part of the deal is to get you join his band or I die." 

"Wait, back up a second, you'll die?!" He painked, "Look Katie you have to tell the boys and Julie." 

"No! I can't cause if I do then they will want to join the band for my sake and I don't want that. You guys mean so much to Julie and it would mean the world to her if you crossed over tomorrow night." I snapped at him. 

"oh- okay." was all he said.

"And besides if you guys cross over then the curse will be lifted cause Caleb won't be able to use me." I explained. "so please, please do NOT tell anyone." 

"I- I won't but are you sure?" 

"YES! This stays between you and me." I pointed to him with a serious look on my face. 

"okay, okay." he said in defeat. "are you feeling okay? I mean you probably don't but like how does it feel on a living breathing human?" 

"I'm- i'm okay, and the way it feels...hmm well it feels like I stop breathing and my entire body feels like it is falling into a different world. Like I'm being flickered into another world, if that makes sense." I explained in the best way I could. 

"well let's go inside, it's chilly out here." Alex said acting like it was cold.

"no it's not." I laughed. 

"I'm a ghost okay, let me have this one!"   He whined. 


I am so sorry for not updating, I love you all so much I just don't ever want this story to end I love ya'll so much. Also I might make a Christmas special if you guys want. I love ya'll so much, you are all special to me, and DON'T you ever forget that!

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