Chapter 4.

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Okay so this is amazing for me... like when I was younger I always thought that I was going to be famous singer, but look at me now, writing to anyone across the world. It is amazing when you think about it. But anyway, this is the chapter you all have been waiting for.. so enjoy! >:)


"Oh and one more thing." Luke continued. "what did you mean by finally getting to meet me?" 

I froze in my tracks. Oh god. does he know? Has he put it together or is it still up in the air?

"Oh.. Haha ya know." I stammered out. 

"No I don't know why don't you tell me?" He said sounding like a parent. 

"Well you see, it umm, you know, like..I um-" Oh god how to say it so he doesn't die...a second time.  "okay so... my last name.. is your last name." I said hoping he would get it from there, instead he looked at me more confused than ever.

"what?" He questioned, his eyes managed to try and find an answer. "So your last name is Patterson too? Rad." 

"NO! What I meant was that, you're- you're... my brother." I said quietly making hand motions. 

"...." he said nothing. He just looked at me confused with shock mixed in. 

"Look I know this may be weird but, after you died apparently... I was born in 2004. Mom and Dad they always told me stories about you. They didn't want me to play music, but I did anyway, like it was something that I needed to do. I would sit for days listening to your music cause it made me feel closer to the brother I never met...Until now." I gave him all of this and he still looked at me like I was crazy. 

"I- wow... This- this is amazing!" He seemed happy, excited, shocked, and confused. All at the same time.

"Ta da..." I said making jazz hands. 

"Yep I told you there was something up with them." Reggie butted in. I forgot that they were standing there. " They have the same eyes." 

"Dude, anyone could have green eyes." Alex said giving his friend sarcastic comment. 

"Yeah but like-" Reggie started in defence. 

"Dude just stop." Alex said cutting him off.

"So how is she?" Luke asked giving me a puppy dog face. 

"how is who?" I asked back confused on who he was talking about. 

"Emily, mom, whatever you call her. How is she?" Luke sounded like he regretted something, something that was buried deep inside him. 

"Fine, sometimes she cries.. you know your welcome to come home..." I said trying to find out what he was hiding. 

"Oh.. thank you." he said looking up at the sky. 

"well I should get going...goodnight." I started to walk away but Luke stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Dude how do you do that-" He cut me off by pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you..." he said loosening his grip on me.

"Thank you for what I didn't do anything." I said pushing away from him. 

"yes you did, you told me that they didn't give up on everything after I died." 

"oh. In that case your welcome." 

"Awwww... siblings." Reggie said getting dorklishy cute. 

"Dude." Alex said giving Reggie a look of disappointment.  

"What. It warms my heart." he said touching his chest.

"Well anyway got to get going, Julie is probably wonder where the heck I went." I replied opening the gate and walking out. 

"bye!" I heard Reggie call after me. I shook my head and laughed as I walked back up to the house. 


I knocked and opened the door to Julie's room, she was sitting on her bed finishing homework. 

"hey.." I said sitting on the bed next to her.

"oh hey. what took you so long?" She said looking up from her text book. 

"Well lets see, I told Luke that I'm his sister, he asked how our mom was and-"

"woah woah stop. your his sister?!" She closed her book completely. 

"yeah, remember when I told that the CD was from my brothers band? I realized it at dinner, I don't know how I didn't realize it before. I have so many things to ask him." I rambled while she just sat and listened. 

" yeah, sounds nice." She said, her tone in voice dropped. 

"hey are you okay?" I asked giving her a concerned look. 

"yeah, it's just that, it is cool that you get to see your brother, but~" 

"but you don't get to see your mom. Julie I need to tell you something. You don't play music anymore because it reminds you of her right?" 

"yeah. It is stupid but yes." 

"But that is why you should play it! To remember her, your mom would want nothing more then for you to keep playing music. Jules you have a gift that you should aspire too." I said putting both of my hands on her shoulders. 

"You think?" she looked at me with 'that' look on her face. You know the on when you are trying to cheer up a friend and they don't truly believe you, yeah that look.

"YES! You may not see it but if you think about it, I bet tomorrow you will be wanting to play again.." I said trying to make her think about what I told her. "now it is getting late and we should go to bed..."  I said as I got up and turned the lights off and crawled in to the sleeping bag that was on the floor. 

"night. and thanks." Julie said staring at the ceiling 

"No problem. anything to *yawn* help a friend. Night." I said rolling over and drifting off to sleep. 


Sorry this was such a short chapter, I wanted to give you guys something to ease you I might post another chapter later just cause this one was short. But right now the dishes in the sink call to me. So gotta run. Oh and make sure to vote! BYEE!!!

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