Chapter 7.

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I walked away waving to Luke, but someone thought I was waving at them and waved confused. I quickly turned around and rushed out of there hiding my face. 

I checked my schedule and I had Music next. I got there early to see Flynn and Julie talking to Mrs. Harrison. They wrapped up their conversation and walked out. 

"Hey wait up!" I said as I ran after them. "What happened? Did she let you back in?" I asked slowing down when I caught up to them.

"No. and now Christmas is ruined." Flynn dramatically. 

"Woah calm down. You could crash the rally tomorrow." I said jumping up and down. 

"Yeah I don't want to get in trouble, but thanks." Julie said shaking her head. 

"Why not, you gotta live on the edge to feel alive!" I said walking backwards in front of her. 

"Yeah and you're definitely not going to run into that pole." Flynn said pointing behind me.

"Haha I'm not falling for that trick again-" I said as I backed up on a pole. "owww!"

"Told you." she smirked. 

"Yeah haha, very funny." I said rubbing the back of my head. "wow that hurt." 

~time skip to after school~ 

I walked home alone, as I watched as the sun set and the sky turned pink. I opened the front door.

"I'm home!" I said cheerfully as I set my backpack down and walked into the kitchen. "Mom?" 

I found a note on the table. 

"We will be home later.. we had to go grocery shopping. Left some leftovers in the fridge. 

-love mom."

"okay then." I pulled out my songbook and went over a few songs I wrote.  

"Ugh these suck." I complained to no one.. I rested my head on my desk and drifted off to sleep.


"Katie." I heard someone say.

 They nudged me and I just groaned and went back to sleep. 

"Katie..." They said again but this time a little louder. I waved my hand and ignored them. 

"go away," I mumbled. 

Suddenly someone played the guitar extremely loud in my ear. 

"AHH!!!" I yelled falling out of my chair. "What time is it!" I freaked as I checked my watch. "only 7." 

"KATIE!" The same person yell in my face. 

"Luke!?!?" I yelled examining his face. He put a hand over my mouth. 

"Shhhh! You will wake the whole world up." He said removing his hand. I nodded my hand.  

"What are you doing in my room?!?" I whisper yelled at him. 

"We have to practice." He said pulling me off the ground. 

"Oh okay..." I said drowsily grabbing my bass. "Wait for what?!" I said snapping my head around fully awake now.

"Tomorrow. Julie is going to get her spot back." He said excitedly, "We are going to be back up music." 

"Oh. But people can see me." I said remembering he was still dead. 

"Yeah but they can't see us." he said referring to his band. 

"righhhttt." I said slowly nodding my head. "wait how did you play that?!" I pointed to the guitar he had in his hand. 

"I don't know it is attached to my soul or something!" He just looked like a kid on christmas. 

"Right, or something. So what are we practicing?" I said while yawning. 

"This." He handed me piece of paper with lyrics and notes on it. "It is called Bright. I made two copies. Julie has the other one." 

I looked at the music and positioned my hand on the bass for the first few chords. 

"so like this?" I said playing the first three notes. 

"YEAH!" He said excitedly.  

We practiced until Mom and Dad came home at 9, I helped bring in the groceries and then went to bed. I flopped on the bed and drifted off to sleep. 


I woke up to the sun in my face. I never have the curtains open. I rolled over and hide under the covers. Someone pulled them off of me and threw clothing at me. 

"HEY!" I snapped sitting up. 

"Get up!" Luke said shaking my shoulders.

"Okay jeez! You don't have to break my shoulders." I said rubbing the spot where he grabbed me. "Can you get out so I can change." I said pushing him out the door. 

I grabbed the clothing off my bed and quickly changed. I opened the door and walked straight into Luke's back.  

"dude." I said walking around him.

"So are you ready for today!?" He said practically yelling my ears. 

"Yeah sure." I said walking into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. 

"yeah sure it what you say when you have to go to the dentist not when you get to play with your big bro!" He said shaking his head. 

"Look I'm tired and I really don't want to think about the day yet." I said brushing my teeth. 

"well maybe you should. Today is going to be epic!" he said spinning in a circle. 

I washed my face and went to the kitchen. 

"hey kiddo. Who were you  talking to?" Dad asked looking up from his news paper. 

"Oh a friend." I said holding my phone out. 

"Oh okay. Mom made waffles." he said glancing over to the kitchen.

"Kay thanks!" I said grabbing a plate. 

"Katie are you excited?!" Luke said sitting next to me.

"yeah sure whatever." I said taking a bite out of the waffle.

"Hey! Don't give me attitude." He said giving me a sad puppy look. 

"Okay sorry can you hand me the syrup?" I said pointing to it.

"Uhh. No can do." He said giving me a small smile. 

"Okay fine." I grabbed it and poured it over my waffle. 

"How slow do you eat? Your taking like forever!" Luke complained. I looked at him confused, cause one, I was a fast eater and two, I just started eating. 

"chill out, I have like an hour before I have to be at school." I said finishing my food and clearing my place. 

"Okay I'm heading out. Bye!" I said waving goodbye to my parents. Luke waved too but had a low expression as he did. 

~time skip to just before the spirit rally~

"Julie!" I called out as I saw her talking to Flynn in the music room. "what are you guys doing in here?" I asked catching my breath. 

"we weren't feeling very well... spirity." Flynn replied shrugging her shoulders. 

"Oh okay." I said laughing at her comment. 

"I was going to play for Mrs. Harrison but it seems I've missed my chance." Julie said shoving her hands in her pockets. 


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry I didn't post this earlier I had to go somewhere and didn't get the chance. If you guys liked it make sure to comment and vote! and yes I left you on a cliffhanger. 1. cause I need to sleep. 2. cause it is fun. anyway bye bye!

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