Chapter 2.

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We stood in front of the big white doors once again. There were three creepy ghosts in the studio. I nearly vomited.

"Well, this is new." I laughed terrified to open the doors.

"Ha.. yeah. you go first!" Julie said pushing me forward. I glared at her and slowly opened the doors. I poked my head in to see that no one was there.

"Coast is clear!" I exclaimed opening the door more. Julie walked in holding the cross out as if she was fighting demons. I laughed. She walked around checking everything out. "Girl there is no way that there are ghosts are real, and plus you can't feel ghosts." I said shaking my head.

"Wait what?" She shot me a look of concern that someone broke in.

"Yeah didn't you see me get crushed?" I said rubbing the bruise that I got from them.

"So they are not ghosts?" she questioned.

"not that I know of. Unless I'm dead too?" I said in a teasing voice. She cocked her saiying  that my joke was not funny.

"I don't think you're dead." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see the same person with jet black hair.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Julie and I yelled.

"Woah please stop yelling." the boy with blond hair said covering his ears.

Julie and I stopped yelling. Julie held out her cross with more force.

"W-Who are you." Julie said holding out her cross.

"What do you mean who are we? Obviously this girl is a fan." Brunette said pointing to my shirt. 

"I mean what are your names." Julie said with some attitude pulling out her phone.

"I'm Luke, this is Reggie and thats Alex." Luke said pointing out everyone. Reggie waved and smiled looking dorky. " Look this studio is ours, the grand piano is new... AND MY COUCH!!!" 

He sat up and looked around. 

"That is definitely not my six string." he got up and walked over to the other two while Julie threatened him with her cross. 

"Can you give me just one second" Luke  squeaked pulling the other two to the side to talk." Give me a second thank you." 

I looked at Julie who was just as confused as I was.

"What is going on here?" I whispered into her ear.

"I don't know." she said keeping her eyes on the boys.

"so we are going with witch." Luke whispered loud enough for me and Julie to see.

"No. we are not going with witch." Alex said hitting his friend on the shoulder. "Let someone with a softer touch handled this."

Alex turned around and walked back toward us.

"why are you in our studio?" He said in a "softer" tone of voice.

"What are you talking about." Julie questioned holding the cross out more so that is went through his chest. 

"Ugh. OH MY GOSH HOW DID YOU DO THAT!" Julie freaked.

"Clearly she is not understanding, clearly she doesn't get it." Alex complained turning around to his friends. "Look we are ghosts. We are just three ghosts who are really happy to home, so thank you for the flowers they really brighten up the room." 

"dude I think you've lost your "ghost" marbles." I remarked making sure I said ghost in a sarcastic tone.

"We ARE ghosts. We died last night, we are Sunset curve." Luke said walking over to Julie, she held her cross out and he lept up on piano. 

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