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-Addy's POV-

Finally is Friday!

This morning my mom argued with me for not being home often, but I cut that real quick.

Honestly she couldn't talk, because both my mom and dad are always gone because of work.

I need to stop. I'm in a good mood and I can't let this ruin it.

The bell rung and it's time for first period.

"Ok presentations for your project start today. Ready or not..it's today. First up any volunteers?"

The whole class stayed quiet and avoided eye contact.

"Hm ms.Addison and your group please come up."

When I walked up to the front with Max, Layla, and Wesley a group of seniors walked through the door.

"I almost forgot! I invited a few of my favorite students from last year to help me grade presentations." my teacher said.

In that group of guys there was Gilinsky just my luck. He just sat there smirking at me.

How in the hell did he become one of the "favorite students"?

probably bribe.

"Ok begin." my teacher continued.

We were going through the presentation really well until I felt someone rub behind my butt.

I turn around to see max smirking trying to get Gilinsky mad. I didn't want to make a scene, but I realized Gilinsky noticed when he raised his eyebrow.

"Max don't do this right now." I whispered between my teeth.

Before I knew it the presentation and the class was over. I was kind of mad because Jack was oogling over the other junior girls doing presentations.

"Hey good job today and what was that max kid doing to you." Gilinsky said pinning me up against the lockers.

"What no. What are you doing jack."

"Trying to show you how much I love you and that you are all mine" he intertwined our fingers and put soft kisses along my neck.

"Jack stop I'm not interested in your games." I tried pushing him off me.

"Haha let's take this off now baby." he started to unbutton my shirt.

"Stop!" I finally pushed him off me and I noticed his eyes were bloodshot red.

"Are you high?" I asked

"Im feeling so high I probably will never get lowwww." he slurred his words and giggled at himself.

I dragged Gilinsky by his shirt sleeve and we found JJ.

"Look!" I said point at G.

"Dude are you stoned?" JJ asked concerned.

"You know meee." he hiccuped.

"His breathe too Addy. I think he's been drinking." JJ turned away.

"Jack what are you doing to yourself." i yelled to Gilinsky.

Right before he could answer Jazzy came running up.

"Ohhh Jack there's my bad boy." She said jumping on him and giving him a wet kiss.

I cringed.

"Hey baby...I missed you and I missed these." he said grabbing her butt.

"They missed you too. Ready to go have some stoned sex." she whispered to Jack but I could hear.

"Wait you are the one who did this to him?" I raised my voice.

"Yeah is there a problem?." she faced me.

"You can't get him drunk and high and just send him into school like that." I stood up to her.

"well unlike you juniors...us seniors don't give a fuck ok? I'm his girlfriend and you aren't getting in between us." she flipped her hair and faced toward Gilisnky again.

"But wait why not a three way!" Gilisnky pouted.

I felt tears coming and I quickly turned away leaving Both Jacks and Jazzy sitting there.

I ran towards the front of the school and saw Seth. I tried to avoid him and any human being in the process.

"Addy what's wrong." he came running after me.

I couldn't get any words out except, "Jack."

"I don't like the way he treats you or make you cry Addison." Seth said.

When he used my real name that means he's really mad.

"I need to go talk to him." he started walking away with his fist clenched.

"Please don't. it will make it worse Seth." I pleaded.

"Why!? you deserve better! He's treating you like shit addy and I won't stand for it."he yelled.

I backed up from the anger he had.

"I'm sorry." He said sympathetically.

I hugged him. I hugged him so tight because this is all I really needed. It felt right. It was warm and caring. It felt like he needed it too.

Is Seth what I need?

All these emoticon flying in my head until I was snapped back to reality.

"It's ok if you don't want to come over though.." Seth half smiled.

"Oh yeah! I would love to come over."

We both smiled and we walked toward our car hand in hand.


SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN A WHILE!! but stay with me please..!

I kind of completely forgot about this book..oops but I'm back.

I think I'm going to do at least 2 chapters a weekend but if I have time like RN during the week, I can hit you all up with cute chapters!!

Sorry it was short.

Love all my readers


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