"Chapter Eleven"

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It's a beautiful day to start. It is exactly one week and three days before the ball night. He hadn't asked anyone yet to be his date.

V was so busy at studies and training to care for anything else.

He's being reminded about the ball, when his friends continuously asking him who is his date?

(Who am I going to ask?? I've got only few female friends. Although I have lots of female admirers.) V thought while on his way to the pool area.

When he arrived, he saw someone already stretching on the side. It's a girl. It's unusual for him to see a girl at that time of day.

As he approached, the girl looked at his direction. It's Jane Skywood friend of Jimin and Jin.

"Hi, I thought no one is going to use the pool that's why I decided to come." Jane said.

"It's okay. You are Jane right? Friend of Jimin and Jin?" V asked her.

"Yes I am, and you are V friend of Liane and Meg? We had lunch with Kat two days ago." Jane responded.

"Oh yeah we did. I felt uncomfortable back then. It's my first time to eat with a huge group." V can't help to remember and smiled.

"I see. You are too quiet back then. Sorry I can't help but to notice you then." Jane said

V went to the other side to stretch. He can't avoid to look at Jane from time to time.

(What if I ask her to be my date? Is she going to say yes? There is nothing to lose if I try.)

"Ah Jane is it okay if I ask you something?" V said

"Sure. Anything as long as I know what to respond. Haha just kidding but yeah sure. What is it?" Jane replied.

"Do you happen to have a partner to the ball already?" V asked

*Jane's heartbeat went fast*

"None. No one asked me yet. Do you happen to have no one too?" she answered

*V is fighting back his nervousness to ask her*

"Oh okay so ah would you like to be my date then? If its okay with you to come with me." V inquired her.

"Sure. Who am I to say no to the sexiest athlete of the campus. But are you sure you want to go with me?" Jane responded

"Yes sure enough." V smiled.

"Okay, so it's set then. I'll meet you at the school entrance by 6pm then." Jane said

V smiled sweetly at her, her heart almost melt away.

The two of them swims for atleast one hour straight. They look like lovers in the pool. They have the same speed.

After an hour of non stop swimming, they decided to take a rest.

"Whooo! I never thought you are a fast swimmer too. No one swims here as fast as I am." V said

"Well then you haven't found your match yet. But now I think you have. Haha Better watch out I might beat you one day." Jane answered.

V smiled and looked at her. He hand her one towel.

"Would you like to swim last five laps before we take a shower?" V said then winked at her.

"Oh I think you're asking for a match. Okay I'll give you a match you will never forget." Jane answered back and smiled.

The two of them dived back and raced.

The moment of truth came, one last lap. V was ahead but Jane won't accept defeat.

Jane swum eager to win that resulted to her victory. V nods slowly of his approval.V offered her hand for a hand shake. That's the best match he ever had for a long time.

"Congratulations. I wonder why don't you join the women's division of our school swimming club." said he

"You will be our schools' pride. We can be their first No.1 swimming athlete." he added

*Jane laughed to the idea*

"I'll think about that." she winked at him and took his hand for a brief shake.

"I'll go ahead. I still have class to attend to. I don't want to be late. See you around. Bye" Jane said

She waves her hands at him, turned around and walked to the girls shower.

V can't understand himself on what he is feeling by now. It's like some kind of a joke.

(Am I attracted to her? She's marvelous, pretty, intelligent, and a show stopper. Come on V get to your senses.)

He showered, put on new dry clothes, and went to the cafeteria just like he always did.

He ordered water and sandwich. He went to the dark corner of the cafeteria when someone tapped his shoulder.

It's Jin. He's holding some books and a can of soda.

"Hey, how are you V? Been out from the pool area?" said Jin

"Yeah just got out from there. Come sit down." V replied

"Sure thanks. Have you seen Jane? I haven't seen her, not until her next class was about to start." inquired Jin

"Yes, she's at the pool area. She said she just want to relax." V replied

"Really? I thought she stopped her hobby but I guess I am wrong. So you two swim together?" Jin asked again

V nods back. They talked and eat for awhile. Then after, says their goodbyes.

It was nice knowing new friends aside from his club mates and the girls Liane and Meg.

He went to the parking lot and drove home. He had a wonderful day after all. He smiles to himself reminiscing the events at the pool area.

*End Chapter 11*

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