Chapter 14 - Breaking Point

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So, how do we survive? How do we bring light into a world that only seems dark?

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"DIX, WE'RE GONNA be late babe!" Monty shouts up the stairs.

"Since when do you care about being late to anything De La Cruz?" I question him, appearing at the top of the staircase.

"Oh Dixie, you look so elegant. I knew the pink one would look amazing on you" My mom says, clapping her hands together for reasons only known to her.

"Wow, you do scrub up well. You look beautiful my little girl" Dad comments as he wheels himself into the front hall way to join Monty and Mom.

"Dad you're embarrassing me. Are you sure you dont mind us going to the dance?" I enquire, taking hold of his hand.

"Of course I don't. You deserve some fun after these past few months. You both do" He asserts, grabbing hold of Monty's hand also.

"Thanks Mr Miller. I really appreciate it"

"Please, call me Roman. You live here now, you will be caring for me, I think the time for formalities went a while ago Montgomery"

"Sweetheart your tie is so wonky. Come here and I'll fix it" Mom says striding over to the confused boy.

"Mom, just no" I say swatting away her hand. "I can fix his tie. We need to leave. I told Justin we'd meet him and Clay before the dance. I have my key so don't wait up for us"

"No later than 1am, no stopping at Rosie's for food. There'll be leftovers waiting in the fridge for when you return. Oh and what's the golden rule?"

"No drinking" I retort with a roll of my eyes.

"And keep your hands to yourself De La Cruz" Dad winks playfully.

"Bit too late for that Roman, the walls are very thin--"

"Aaaand we're leaving. Goodbye parents. Don't wait up" I cut my mom off before she can make the moment even more awkward.

"Have a good night Mr and Mrs Miller" Monty says as I drag him out of the house. Dad lent us his car, Monty's beloved blue jeep a distant memory after his dad wrote it off. Thankfully, the jeep was on the receiving end of the hammer instead of his suffering son. Buckling in, Monty sets off for the short drive to Clay's house.

"I love how you do that" I smirk at the smartly dressed boy.

"Do what?" He asks, puzzled.

"You know what. Put on that fake polite shit. Its so cute" I express teasingly with a pinch of his cheek.

"Well your parents have done a lot for me lately" He retorts pulling away from my hand. "I'm extremely grateful. They saved my ass, gave me a proper family, got me a job. So yeah, I am polite"

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