The Web that Weaved Us Together (Jessica Drew, aka Spider-Woman)

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Hawkeye's face turned to the right as the slap unhinged his jaw out of place. He put a hand on his face, massaging his cheek and jaw as he saw a very serious Jessica Drew, his... probably now ex-girlfriend.

"Wow" Was all Hawkeye was willing to say at that moment, when-


Another slap made contact with Clint's face, this time it sent his face looking to the left. Fortunately for Clint, the second slap put his jaw back in place. He just watched as a still serious Jessica looked at him with what probably would be intentions to kill him, but was holding back in actually doing said deed.

"You wanna come in or are you just going to beat the hell out of me in a hallway for all the neighbors to see?" Hawkeye asked, switching his hand to his other cheek and starting to massage it. He moved back to allow Jessica into his apartment. It took a while, but Jessica entered the apartment. Although her expression had not changed ever since she saw him on the door. "Thanks. After last night I don't need any more bad press or-"

"Shut up" Jessica's tone, made Clint snap his mouth shut. The anger he could feel out of her mouth made his skin shiver a bit, but he didn't show it. But he had to admit that it was terrifying seeing her like this though. "It's not... that you clearly thought... sleeping around was acceptable?"

Clint looked a bit down at that. Sure he had made a couple of mistakes... maybe more than he could count, but just thinking about Jessica's words made him think about it a bit more. Hell... he was practically sleeping with four women at the same time by now. At the moment, sure he couldn't care less about it, but now that the words have been practically rubbed in his face... Well, he felt like crap.

"It's not that I meant so little to you that you felt compelled to sleep around? It's that... I will bet... everything I have... That it never once occurred to you that sleeping around would hurt me" Jessica stated, poking his chest with her index finger every time she stopped talking for a brief moment. Each poke felt like an arrow was shot at Clint, not that Jessica even cared about the man now... He cheated on her, and with someone way younger than him. She had her eyes closed now, massaging her forehead a bit "That you thought we were just-"

"-having a few laughs" Clint finished, but it only made Jessica even madder at him. Her eyes opened in an instant. Her eyes then narrowed down as the glare she was giving earlier towards the hero was even worse. Jessica went to slap him once more with her right hand, but Clint put his left hand in the way, not allowing her to have another chance to slap him. "Don't" He lowered her hand with his own, holding her wrist in a tight hold. Though Jessica was glaring at him, which prompted him to let her go. "I get that you're mad. But you are not allowed to do that anymore" Both kept staring at each other. Clint had a serious look on his face, while Jessica's glare was ever present.

"Um, hello?" The feminine voice snapped both heroes out of their staring contest as the both looked towards the door and saw Kate Bishop, Clint's latest conquest. "Door was open..." She could practically feel the tense atmosphere, but she decided to help Clint a bit... She didn't want to see him get worse than he currently is.

"You're a bad person, Clint Barton" Jessica said as she took a step back, getting away from the man. She started to walk away from him. She wouldn't stand being near him any longer, probably not even for a mission. "You're so wrapped up in hating yourself that any time anybody starts to care about you or god forbid you start to care about them... You push them away. You did it with me, you did it with Bobbi-

"Hey! We were married for years! I-"

"-bailed. The second it got difficult. Because you're sooo selfless, aren't you?" Jessica practically sneered at Clint before keeping on walking until she reached Kate's position. Jessica stared right at Kate, which stared back as well. "Hey. When I was your age, if somebody my age told me what to do, I'd have laughed but, girl, listen to me... Don't hang out with him. He'll only let you down" Jessica then walked past Kate, as both Hawkeyes looked at the retreating body of Jessica Drew. "It's his superpower" Jessica finished, ignoring the statement said by Kate before she left the building.

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