SHH..... I'm in hiding

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SHHH.....I'm in hiding




APPEARANCE: Long black hair, height 5/7, dark mid-night blue eyes, clear-pale skin 

LIFE: A famous secret assassin/ spy, appearance and real name unknown, parents unknown and no record of, high level of intelligence, and known (or called) as Cipher 



APPEARANCE: Brown hair, height 6/3, hazel eyes, tan skin 

LIFE: A spy at the New York Agent department, sent to Taverin High school, plays football, soccer, basketball, and track, popular with the school  



APPEARANCE: Dark blond hair, height 6/2, blue eyes, clear skin 

LIFE: A spy at the California Agent department, goes to Taverin High school, plays football, surfing, soccer, track, popular with the school 



APPEARANCE: Blond hair, height 6/3, dark brown eyes, light-tan skin 

LIFE: A spy at the Florida Agent department, sent to Taverin High school, plays football, soccer, basketball, surfing, track, popular with the school


Chapter 1

Aria P.O.V 

I stare up at the ceiling, waiting for the alarm clock to wake up from its own sleep. While the windows let the morning sun come through making me blink my eyes at the brightness of the new day of school or my new day at a school. Since many agencies have been on the look out for me or Cipher as they like to call me, cause I'm a secret to everyone even to those I work for; no one can know it would ever be me. Why? it's because my parents died for me, that makes me willing to make a legacy for them and continue on with what they were doing for the United States. Leaving out the part where I work solo, no Agent department or boss to tell me what to do or who to go with.


Sighing I get up from my warm bed and head towards the bathroom to get ready for school. I walk to my duffel bag near the corner and pull out some clothes; one thing you'll know from me is that I don't care what I wear as long it's comfortable. I grab a black t-shirt and some dark-blue jeans that are lightly faded probably from me jumping into water, when I was running away from something. I've done that plenty of times. With my clothes I head to the showers and wash my hair, after washing myself I step out and dry myself off and start putting on my clothes. This is my first time in California and it's really sunny all the time, so there's really no need for a jacket. I go outside of my apartment and head downstairs to my car, I just hope that in this new school I transfer to I won't be having any trouble hiding my identity, mostly me being Cipher. I walk to my black Volvo, and start the engine, exiting the parking lot and heading to my new school.

I pull into the school and see that there's many students outside the school, either hanging out by their cars or cliques and groups forming to catch up with their daily news. I park into a free space and get out of the car, grabbing my backpack along, and head toward the front office to pick up my new schedule. The schools really big like very big it could have elementary and middle school combined, the reason is because its a school for talented or rich teenagers who are likely having their parents pay a lot of money to let them go to school here and I feel grateful I'm here anyways. Since my parents died when I was just 3 years old, I've been on my own and defending myself and I plan to keep it that way. When I find my way to the front desk, I see two boys who are also in line for their new schedules; looks like I'm not the only transfer student. In front of the desk there's a middle-aged lady who's typing away searching for their names probably. I step up to go closer, noticing that the two boys know that I'm here. I can see that they are very handsome, they were both tall but one had brown hair and hazel eyes, while the other one had blond hair with dark brown eyes. They were both looking my way, then the front desk lady notice I was there.

"Hello, sweetie what can I help you with"? the front desk lady asked

"I'm a new transfer student, came here to get my schedule" I said smiling, she seemed nice

"Oh, okay let me search you up, what's the last name"? she asked

"Cross" I replied

"Hmm... okay found it, now wait for a while, so I can print it up with the other two" she said smiling

"okay" I said

With that she got up and went to get the papers, I could feel the two boys staring deeply at me trying to find some emotion or expression to know something, but I don't know what. Later the front desk lady comes back and hands me and the other boys their schedule.

"Okay, your allowed to wait here till the student that volunteered to give you a tour of the school and help you with your classes comes" she said 

"Uhm I think I'll be find, I can just ask someone if I get lost" I said

With that I went to find my locker and head to my first period class, but I wanted to get a better surrounding of the area, so if I needed to locate something I wouldn't waste to much time on finding it. So I went further into the school, gaining looks and stares from the students as I passed by. They probably got freaked out by my skin color it was really pale and clear, also the color of my eyes is nothing more than strange. It's really dark blue but with a small hint of gray and not that my body appearance would help I was so small and skinny that even I would say that I didn't eat much to get some calories in me. But I eat like a pig since I'm constantly moving around places. I stopped when I reached a small door that no one would notice, it looked out of place so I decided to go in for a small look and I regret it. Why? did I have to be so curious and cautious about this school..... then I wouldn't have to start a fight with some people who would literally kill me and I would not let that happen causing my inner defense wall to show up and protect me from them.



Okay so its basically the intro of whats gonna happen to her and who knows even I don't know what might happen. 

Oh and here spy name I made it Cipher because she's a secret to everybody and that's where I got Cipher as in a mystery or code :)

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