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     I was led through a long, dim hallway by the King and Queen of Graythorne. They were flanking either side of me, their body straight and rigid, posture learned from years of royalty. I was slouching next to them, my stomach churning at the unfamiliar setting.

     Soon, we reached a giant door and the Queen took ahold of it and pulled it open. The King walked through and I followed him, feeling my heart pound. Glancing around the large room that consisted of a giant bed, a mirror table, and a shelf of books, my eyes soon landed on the Prince, who lay on his bed. In his hand was a book and I stared at him, feeling my heart flutter.

     "Flynn, stop being so rude and come here," Queen Astoria scolded. "Meet your new servant, Helena Walker."

     Flynn sprung up and shot his mom a look. King Orion narrowed his eyes at his son and Flynn ran over.

     "Servant?" Flynn said, stopping in front of us. "Why do I need a servant?"

     Flynn's eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at me. His hazel eyes glistened, his brown hair tousled gently. I stared back, gulping as he continued to study me.

     "Flynn, you need someone to take care of you," Queen Astoria said. "All princes have their own personal servant. It's the way things are."

     "I can take care of myself just fine," Flynn said, crossing his arms over his chest.

     He lifted his head up defiantly and huffed. Beside me, the Queen sighed, looking exhausted.

     "You'll undersand one day, Flynn," Queen Astoria said. "You're young. You don't understand who you are."

     Flynn continued to look away from us. The King and Queen exchanged a look and in synch, they let out a deep sigh.

     "Okay, we'll leave you two alone to get to know each other," King Orion said. "Call us if you need anything."

     And without another word, the King and Queen walked off, leaving me alone with Flynn. Once the door shut, Flynn looked back at me, his eyes now curious. He was still frowning, but fascination was creeping into his expression.

     "How old are you?" Flynn asked.

     "Thirteen," I replied.

     Flynn's eyes widened at my response. His jaw even dropped.

    "Thirteen? I'm fourteen!" Flynn said. "What are you doing as a servant at thirteen?"

     I hesitated at his question. Staring at him, my own green eyes wide, my heart began to race.

     "Um, well I don't have anywhere else to go," I mumbled. "This is my only option."

     "Why?" Flynn asked, frowning.

     "My parents recently passed away. They were on a ship and it sunk, so I'm an orphan now. I have nowhere else to go to."

     I gulped, feeling tears rush into my eyes. Fighting back the urge to cry, I stared at Flynn, my gaze unwavering as I wondered what he would say.

     "I'm so sorry. No one that young should have to go through that," Flynn said, stunned. He grew solemn and the annoyance on his face vanished. "Do you want to go horse back riding? It'll be fun."

     "Horse back riding?" I said. My eyes widened in awe.

     Flynn broke out into a smile. It was the kind of smile that reached his eyes, so genuine I was mesmerized.

     "Yes, one of my favourite hobbies," Flynn said. "Come on, Helena. Let's go."

     I nodded and together, Flynn and I went horse back riding. And as we rode around, laughing as we struggled not to fall, I had the most fun I had in a long time.

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