Chapter 9

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     I was in the midst of mopping the ballroom. It was still a mess from the ball two weeks ago, wrecked with snacks and drinks spilt, and decorations falling a part. I'd been so busy taking care of Flynn and some of the princesses, that I hadn't had time to clean up until now.

     As I mopped, I hummed to a song quietly, feeling at peace for once. It was strange how much I enjoyed cleaning. Most people would hate my job, but I didn't mind it for the most part.

     "Helena," Flynn said.

     I jumped and nearly dropped the mop I held. Whirling around, my grip on it tightened as Flynn walked towards me.

     "Oh, hi," I said, stunned. "Do you need help with anything?"

     "No," Flynn said. "I actually wanted to take you out on a date."

     My eyes widened at Flynn's words. And unable to help it, I flushed.

     "A date?" I asked. "Why?"

     "We need to make our love believable," Flynn said. To my surprise, he blushed. "And if my parents and the princesses see us going out on dates, they'll think we're actually together."

     I bit my lip. Flynn was running his fingers through his hair, his discomfort clear.

     "Okay," I said. "I'll go on a date with you. Where are we going?"

     "I'll show you," Flynn said, smiling now. "Let me take you out now."

     With a sigh, I put my mop away and before I knew it, Flynn was whisking me away onto a carriage to our first date.


     Flynn and I walked down the cobblestone path, admiring the scenes around us. The streets were busy. Full of musicians, artists and people selling delectables. The kingdom of Graythorne was always lively. Always so busy and full of life.

     The kingdom of Graythrone was located at the end of the country of Celestia, a country that consisted of many different regions, with Flynn's family ruling a part of it and Natasha's family ruling another part of it. The other princesses came from different countries all over the world and Graythrone was located by the ocean. The weather was always warm and sunny, and there was never a shortage of fresh water or seafood in the kingdom.

     "Do you remember this place?" Flynn asked, smiling.

     "Of course," I said. "You used to drag me here all the time when we were kids."

     Flynn laughed and I rolled my eyes. It used to be our routine. Running down this street to explore the many arts.

     "It's a scene I never get sick of," Flynn said, his eyes gentle.

     "Would you like some tarts!" a man shouted to Flynn. "Your highness, we make the best apple tarts."

     "Of course," Flynn said.

     Flynn walked to the man and bought two of his tarts. He tipped the man heavily and the man bowed, pleased.

     "Thank you," he said. "You have always been so generous with your money."

     Flynn bowed back and he walked back to me. My heart stirred at the way he confidently strode towards me.

     "Here you are, my lady," Flynn said, handing me a tart.

     "Oh, thank you," I said, taking the tart from Flynn.

     Flynn and I started walking again. We were nibbling on our tarts, our eyes wandering the scene around us. It was sunny and the streets were filled with townsfolk. A lot of them glanced our way, curious about the Prince, but none of them approached us. Knowing there was a barrier between peasants and royalty, they knew better. And at the thought, I gulped.

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