Chapter 25

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     Time was flying by fast and suddenly, the ball for Flynn and Amara's engagement was being held. Marisa and I were standing together at one side of the grand ballroom and we were admiring the scene before us. The ballroom was packed with dozens of royals. And at the centre of the ballroom were couples ballroom dancing and I watched them in awe.

     But for once, my eyes drifted off to the side where Flynn and Amara stood together. Flynn was holding Amara's hands and they were talking to Elijah, the exact man who I spoke to at my engagement ball, and Elijah was lit with delight. He looked excited for them, so unlike how he'd been with me, and my heart twisted. Flynn and Amara looked stunning together and I realized once again, I was never meant to be at Flynn's side. Amara was what Flynn needed. She was beautiful and a princess, and I was his pathetic servant.

     "Don't watch them," Marisa said. "It'll only hurt you."

     I sighed and looked to Marisa, who's eyes were sad on me. I tried to smile, but I couldn't manage to.

     "They look good together," I said. "Flynn is finally with a beautiful princess. It's exactly what he needs."

     Marisa was quiet for a moment. She looked torn, afraid and I tried my best to smile once again. But, I just couldn't. For once, I couldn't hide my feelings.

     "Are you sure you're okay with letting Flynn go?" Marisa asked. "You know Flynn loves you and I'm sure he would throw everything away to be with you. So this is your choice."

     "Yes, I'm okay with letting Flynn go," I said. I huffed, tired of everyone trying to make me doubt my choice. "The wound is still fresh, but it will heal eventually. I'll be fine in no time."

     Marisa stared at me for a moment. Her eyes were full of questions and she looked so unsure, that I found myself giving in once again. After seeing him look happy with Amara, my resolve for losing Flynn was breaking.

     "Okay, I don't know," I confessed. "I don't know what I want."

     "You still love him, don't you?" Marisa whispered.

     My heart twisted with those words. The truth was obvious. To myself and Marisa, and my heart thudded painfully against my chest.

     "Don't you think you'll regret letting Flynn go then?" Marisa whispered. "I know for so long I told you, you were too good for Flynn, but I don't know... You were so much happier with him. And he's an idiot, but I can tell he loves you."

     I couldn't reply. Because the truth was, I knew I would regret it. I already was regretting it, but I didn't want to go back to the way things were. I didn't want to risk getting hurt by Flynn again.

     "You know, Flynn really hurt me. He made me feel pathetic," I said. "I always loved him. I was so loyal to him and I never let anything get in the way of my feelings, but he's never been sure of me. He tossed me away once and it seemed like he was going to do it again at that last ball, and I'm tired. I'm so tired, Marisa."

     "I know. That's why I'm not crazy about Flynn, but..." Marisa drifted off. She sighed, seeming just as lost as I felt. "I don't know, you guys had something special. You know, the type of love that's rare. The type of love they only write about in stories. But, follow your heart at the end of the day. Do what feels right for you."

     I grew quiet. My eyes lowered to the ground in front of me and I said nothing. Because I was lost. I really didn't have an answer or a reply or anything, which was why I did nothing.


     My eyes shot up and I froze as suddenly, Flynn was right in front of me. His eyes were gentle, his face solemn. I stared at him, stunned.

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