Chapter 5

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     Pausing in front of Flynn's bedroom, I took a deep breath in. I held a tray of his lunch, a platter of sandwiches and fruits, and I was trembling, thinking back to the ball and how we danced together, and of how he walked away and left me standing there, yearning him. I so badly wished I wasn't his servant. Because I didn't want to face him. Not now. Not ever.

     But because it was my job, I exhaled and opened the door to Flynn's room. But upon entering his room, I froze when I saw that Flynn wasn't alone. In his bed was another princess. She wore a slim, pink gown and her blonde hair ran down her back in waves. She was giggling as Flynn smiled at her and I grew cold. Blinking, I couldn't move.

     Flynn's eyes moved to me and his smile dropped from his face when his eyes met mine. He froze and the princess looked to me, and she immediately frowned. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at me and I stared back, thinking she was beautiful. The type of beautiful a guy like Flynn deserved.

     "What do you want?" the princess snapped.

     "Oh, sorry," I said, flushing. "I'm here to drop off Flynn's lunch."

     I rushed over to Flynn's nightstand and set the tray of food down on the table. Whirling around, I tried to leave, but then Flynn said my name.

     "Wait," Flynn said. "Natasha, could you leave us alone? I need to talk to Helena."

      Natasha huffed and my eyes flew wide as I realized I knew Natasha. She was the same princess from the ball Flynn and I danced at years ago. She was the girl he ran away from to dance with me. Natasha shot me a look and I gulped.

     "Why do I have to leave?" Natasha asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why do you want to talk to your ugly servant? Anything you say to her you can say in front of me."

     Flynn stood up then and narrowed his eyes at Natasha. Natasha's eyes flew wide at Flynn's sudden change in demeanour.

     "Talk to Helena with respect," Flynn said. "Or never talk to me again."

     Natasha paled at Flynn's flat voice. Her eyes were still wide and she got up then, scowling as she walked off.

     But when she passed me, she said, "You better know your place, servant. Flynn isn't yours."

     "I know," I whispered, so quietly Natasha missed it.

     Natasha left the room and when the door clicked shut, I brought my eyes up to meet Flynn's. He was already looking at me, looking so torn he would tear apart.

     "Thank you for coming here," Flynn said, composing himself. He straightened up as he walked towards me and his eyes were no longer swarmed with emotions. "I was trying to get rid of Natasha for a while now. So seriously, thank you."

     The corner of his lip quirked up and soon, he was smiling at me. Just like in the past, his smile lit up his entire face. It made him radiant, his eyes squinting and his teeth shining. And I grew mesmerized. For a moment, I was blinded by his smile.

     "She kept insisting on lying in bed with me," Flynn said, rolling his eyes. "I believe she was trying to seduce me. But I rather throw myself off the balcony."

     I couldn't help but smile as Flynn winked at me. Suddenly, we were transported to the time we were friends. The time where Flynn would joke with me and complain about the people he knew. My heart dropped as I reminisced.

     "Natasha gives off spoiled rich girl vibes," I said. "I'm so sorry you had to go through."

     "You're dead on, Helena," Flynn said.

     I laughed and Flynn chuckled. My eyes were gentle on him and for a moment, I forgot about everything. Everything, but how much I cared about Flynn.

     But then, flashbacks of the ball appeared in mind. As I remembered the guilt I felt at dancing with Flynn, of how he left me and walked off. Staring him, my look of joy vanished.

     "I'm sorry about the ball," Flynn said. My eyes widened as somehow, Flynn read my mind. "I shouldn't have walked off on you. But I was just overwhelmed by everything. It wasn't anything personal, it..."

     Flynn drifted off. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked away. My heart jolted. I wanted him to continue, but he wouldn't.

     "It's fine," I said, wanting to break the tension. "I understand."

     Flynn's eyes met mine again and he gave me a sad smile. His eyes were full of longing and I couldn't pull my eyes away.

     "I have to be honest with you, Helena. I miss you," Flynn said. "I forgot how close we used to be and it's sad thinking about where we are now. And maybe... Maybe that's why I walked away. When we danced, I was reminded of the past. I thought about our last dance when I was sixteen and I couldn't bare it. So, I ran away. Like I always do, I ran away from my problem."

     My eyes widened at Flynn's sincere words. A look of pain was on his face and his eyes searched my face. He seemed nervous and I gulped. I never expected to hear Flynn say he missed me. And staring at him, I wondered what to do.

     I so badly wanted to snap at him, to yell and tell him this was all his fault. He was the one to cut me off. He chose to make me his servant and only his servant. He couldn't regret something he initiated.

     But staring at him, I couldn't snap. It wouldn't help either of us. In fact, it could tear us apart. So exhaling, I forced a smile.

     "You're busy and you have a lot on your plate. And I guess you didn't have time for someone like me," I said, shrugging. "Don't worry about the ball. I was upset, but I'm over it now."

     "Helena..." Flynn began.

     Pain was written across his face. He looked torn. Pained and upset, and all I could do was stare at him. Wondering what was on his mind and why he did what he did, I anticipated some answers. But knowing it'd been a year and Flynn was probably over it, I exhaled. There was no point in getting my hopes up.

     "Sorry," Flynn said, shaking his head. "Well, I hope you forgive me. I don't deserve your kindness, but I thank you for it. And thank you for your hard work."

     I nodded, unsure of what to say. Flynn and I spent an entire year barely talking. I would do my job and leave Flynn alone, and neither of us minded that. But now with Flynn coming back, saying all these sweet words, I was lost for words. I was confused and conflicted, so I said my goodbyes and left.

     And as I walked back to my own room in the castle, I wondered about Flynn. I wondered why he pushed me away. Why he would miss me and say all these sweet words, but yet hold me at arms length, as if he was afraid I would bite. And falling onto my bed, I closed my eyes and dreamt of Flynn. I dreamt of chasing him, begging him to love me, but for him to walk away. With his ears plugged and his eyes blindfolded, Flynn left me and couldn't hear my pleas.

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