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     I sat at the dining room table with Flynn and his parents. All the princesses returned home weeks ago and now, things were back to normal. Well, other than the fact that I was now dating Flynn and instead of serving him his lunch, I was eating alongside him.

     I glanced at Flynn who was eating his roast turkey and peas, his eyes on his food and his eyes lit up. No longer did Flynn looked drained or miserable - there was a light to him that I hadn't seen since we were kids. And smiling, I grew excited for the future.

     "Oh!" Flynn said, shooting up to sit straight. "I forgot to tell you. Helena and I are going on a walk after lunch."

     "But you must fill out some papers," Queen Astoria said.

     "I'll do it later."

     Queen Astoria stiffened, but she didn't say anything. She did look to me however and gave me a look contempt and I gulped. She wasn't trying to break Flynn and I up anymore, but it was clear she wasn't happy. It was obvious she rather us not be together, but she was no longer trying to get rid of me either. Things with the Queen weren't perfect, but they were better.

     "Okay, have fun you two," King Orion said.

     He gave us a small smile. It was hesitant, as if he was unsure of us being together, but it was better than before. And that was all I could ask for. After everything Flynn and I had been through, them allowing us to be together was enough for me.


     Flynn and I were walking down the street full of musicians and artists, with a few people selling goods around us again. We were side by side and the sun shone down on us brightly, warming us and I inhaled the fresh smell of a bakery. I always loved going here and to know that Flynn was now mine, as I imagined years ago, my heart fluttered.

     "Hello!" a man called out.

     Flynn and I looked to where the voice came from and Flynn broke out into a wide smile at the sight of the man who previously painted me. He was still wearing his straw hat and he had a paintbrush in his hand. He was waving at us and we waved back.

     "Would you like another drawing?" he asked.

     "Yes," I said. Flynn looked to me, surprised. "But this time, one of Flynn."

     Flynn's eyes flew wide. "No, that's okay."

     "Come on, it'll be fun."

     I smiled and Flynn shook his head, but he was smiling widely. We then walked towards the man and Flynn went over to the stool and sat down, and the artist grinned.

     "With your bone structure, this sketch will go down in history," the man said, winking.

     "Gosh, you have me blushing," Flynn said.

     I laughed lightly and Flynn looked to me and grinned. His entire face was lit with joy. He was so full of life, so full of joy. It'd been so long since he seemed genuinely happy and now he finally was. It was a sight that had my heart constantly feeling warm.

     "Keep looking at your beautiful girlfriend," the artist said. "This is perfect."

     Flynn kept looking at me and the artist began to sketch. I was still smiling as I took in how stunning Flynn was. With his hazel eyes, brown hair swept up and gorgeous bone structure, he was beautiful. And he was mine.

     "Once again, I've created a masterpiece thanks to you two!" the artist exclaimed.

     The artist finished sketching and he beckoned us to come over to him. Flynn and I rushed over and I smiled at the sight of the sketch. Flynn was beaming, his eyes lit up, but gentle, and it was because they were on me. My heart melted at the sight of the drawing and Flynn grinned.

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