Chapter 23

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     I stood off to the side of the dining room with Marisa. We'd just finished serving the princesses, Flynn's parents and Flynn and they were all eating their fresh eggs and bacon, with toast on the side. It was breakfast and early in the morning. And despite the conversation I had with Flynn days ago, my eyes lingered on him.

      His eyes were lowered to his food and he was shoving his eggs around with his fork. He was tense. His face was expressionless and my heart sunk. We hadn't spoken since I told him this was the end and despite feeling like it was for the best, I missed Flynn. I missed what we used to have.

     "Helena, I promise you this is for the best," Marisa whispered. "I know it hurts now, but you'll be over him in no time."

     I forced a smile and Marisa smiled back. Her eyes were gentle on me. She understood my pain.

     "Well, I have an announcement to make," Queen Astoria said.

     Everyone looked to Queen Astoria who stood now. King Orion went to join her and they stood side by side, tall and proud. Queen Astoria was smiling and I gaped at her, stunned she looked happy for once.

     "Flynn has finally chosen a princess," Queen Astoria said. "He'll be wed to Amara in the next month. Let's all congratulate him."

     Princesses began to clap, but I was frozen. Stunned, surprised and horrified, I was left frozen in my spot, unable to believe it. Already? Only a few days passed since Flynn told me he loved me. I couldn't believe he was already with someone else.

     "Wow," Marisa said, scoffing. "He moves fast."

     My eyes darted to Flynn and my heart sunk at the sight of him. His eyes were on his food still, but he was frozen in place. There was no source of joy, no source of delight. And with that,I knew this was against his own choices.

     I looked to Amara then who was smiling, but there was a sadness in her eyes. I stared at her and sighed, feeling sorry for Flynn and her, who had no choice in who they loved. Flynn and Amara were very different, but yet, they suffered the same fate.

     "We'll be starting up the wedding fast," Queen Astoria said. "A ball will be held next week, so we can announce to the world that Amara and Flynn are together. And then a week after that, we will wed the two. It'll be perfect."

     Natasha sprung up and huffed. She pointed an accusing finger at Amara and her mouth flew open to scream, but she stopped herself. She teared up then and stormed off, and my heart ached. Natasha was what I would be like if I had less control over my emotions. We both loved the man who was about to get married.

     And then, I froze when Flynn's eyes darted towards me. His face was full of pain, full of regret and sorrow, and I froze at the sight of his stare. It'd been days since we looked at each other and I couldn't believe what happened in those few days. But yanking my eyes way, I knew there was nothing I could do. This was out of my hands.

     "Well, you moved on fast," Saoirse said. "Didn't you break up with your servant a week ago?"

     "I had no choice," Flynn said. His voice was dripping with pain. "I haven't moved on."

     Flynn's parents shot him a look, but he didn't fight back. He was drained. All of his energy was sapped out of him and Flynn was now defeated. My heart ached for the boy who was once so full of life, so fully of joy he lit up every room he entered.

     And despite everything that happened between us, I hoped he found happiness. I hoped that somehow, he could escape this. Even if I couldn't help anymore, I hoped for the best for Flynn.

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