Chapter 18

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     I was setting up the streamers in the ballroom. The ballroom was to be decorated in gold and silver, the colours of a wedding to be. And at the thought of my fake relationship, and of what Natasha said, my heart sunk. And with Marisa nowhere in sight, I was left to drown in my own thoughts.

     "Helena," Queen Astoria said. "May you come over here."

     I sighed heavily and shut my eyes momentarily. Not again. After Natasha, I was too emotionally drained to deal with the Queen, but because I couldn't refuse, I straightened myself out and turned around. And forcing myself to smile, I walked over to where the Queen stood by the massive doors leading to the ballroom.

     "Yes, your majesty," I said.

     I bowed towards the Queen and her eyes were glued to me. There was a look of disgust on her face. A look that told me I was beneath her.

     "I warned you," Queen Astoria said. "I told you that if you continued to be with Flynn, I would give you another strike. So why are you allowing him to host this ball to announce to the world you two are together? You two should be broken apart by now!"

     My mouth grew dry. Fear blossomed in my heart as the Queen glared down at me, her eyes cold and full of rage.

     "I don't know how to break things off," I lied. "Even if I break up with Flynn, that won't stop him from loving me. You act as if he'll pick a princess just because we stop dating."

     "If you two stop dating he will have to move on," Queen Astoria hissed. "Break his heart then. Do something to make the boy move on. Time is running out and you're the reason why."

     Rage filled the Queen's eyes and I gulped. I was lost on what to do. Although I wanted to help Flynn, I also knew my job was on the line. And because I came from nothing, I couldn't afford to lose my job.

     "And what if I don't break things off with Flynn?" I whispered.

     "Then be prepared to lose your job," Queen Astoria said. "You will be thrown out of this castle, left on the streets and blacklisted. The entire kingdom will shun you and your life will be ruined."

     The Queen smirked and I grew cold. Horrified by how cruel she was, I gaped at her, unsure of what to say. Thinking back to the woman who once gave me a home when I lost my parents, I couldn't believe she was the woman I stood in front of now.

     "This is why I'm telling you, Helena. You are on strike two," Queen Astoria said. "One more strike and you're out. Got that? Go break up with my son."

     I just stood there gaping at the Queen. Lost for words, the Queen smirked and whirled around. And she walked off with her head held high.

     I stared after her, feeling lost. I didn't know what to do and with my job and life on the line, I was left to ponder on what the right thing to do was.


     Flynn and I were laying in his bed. His hand was near my hand and my heart pounded against my chest. If he only slid his hand a little closer, his hand would be on mine. And if he only turned around, we would be an inch apart. And if he leaned closer, we would be kissing.

     Shaking my head, I sat up quickly, unable to believe the thoughts I was having. After what Natasha and the Queen, and even Marisa said, I knew this was wrong. I knew my feelings were wrong. But yet, whenever I was around Flynn, all logic was thrown out the window.

     "What's wrong?" Flynn asked, sitting up as well.

     He was frowning. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes searched my face. I pulled my eyes away, unable to keep my eyes on his.

     "Nothing," I lied. "I just don't feel too well."

     "Do you need anything?" Flynn asked, leaning closer to me. "Medicine? A drink? A warm bath?"

     "No, no. I'm fine Flynn. Seriously."

     I lowered my eyes to his bed. The red silk bedsheets were a mess. Strewn all over the place from where Flynn and I had laid down next to each other.

     "Okay," Flynn said. "Are you excited for the ball then?"

     I grew quiet. Thinking about what the Queen said, I wasn't sure how I could reply. I didn't want to give anyone false hope.

     "Because I am," Flynn whispered. He reached over to take my hand and my heart jolted when our fingers intertwined. "I'm super excited to tell everyone that you're mine. To scream to the world that I love Helena Walker."

     My eyes widened at Flynn's words. My heart pounded, unable to believe what he was saying. I looked to him then, feeling a surge of emotions. We were all alone and there was no need for Flynn to act. And unable to help it, I wondered.

     "For pretend?" I whispered. "Or..."

     "Of course pretend," Flynn said. He frowned and my heart shattered. "What else?"


     I looked away and my heart ached painfully. I felt silly. Everyone kept telling me that Flynn didn't love me, that he never would, and I knew that. I was confident Flynn would never reciprocate my feelings. But yet, I couldn't help but hope.

     "Flynn, I'm confused," I said. "This obviously can't last forever. You aren't going to marry me, so what's your plan? Isn't hosting this ball a bad idea?"

     Flynn frowned when I met his eyes again. His eyes were full of emotions, conflicting emotions and I held his gaze.

     "I don't know," Flynn admitted. "We'll figure this out later. We still have time."

     "Do we really?" I whispered. "Flynn, you're turning twenty one in a few months. I don't think pulling out of our relationship last minute is the smart things to do."

     Flynn lowered his eyes. He let go of my hand and I pulled my hand back, growing uneasy. I went with the flow for so long, but now I was awake. I knew this couldn't last and the both of us needed a plan.

     "I don't know," Flynn said. "I'm sorry, but I really don't know what to do. But I don't think we can end things before the ball. The ball will help get the princesses to leave our castle and once they're gone, maybe then I'll end things."

     Flynn's eyes were sad on mine and I found my heart racing. With the thought of the Queen, of her threat to me, I wondered if I should tell Flynn that I didn't have the time to wait for him. That with my job on the line, we had to figure things out soon. But because Flynn was wearing such a heartbroken expression, one of fear and unease, I let out a sigh and decided this was a conversation for another day. I hoped the Queen was making an empty threat, but knowing her, I wasn't too sure.

     "Okay," I said. "We'll do this ball, but after the ball we have to make a plan. We really need to end this before we get into trouble."

     "Helena, don't worry," Flynn said. "Like I said, I will never let anyone hurt you. Especially for something like this. I dragged you into my problem and you will not be harmed due to me."

     Flynn looked so confident, so sure of himself, and my heart sunk. He had no idea what his mom had planned. He had no idea who he would be facing. And as my heart ached painfully, I sighed.

     "Okay," I said. "We'll see."

     Flynn smiled shyly and for a moment, we stood there staring at each other. And as we stared at each other, I wondered what the future would bring. I wondered where this fake relationship would take us.

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