Chapter 17

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     Marisa and I were preparing the ballroom together. I was sweeping the large room while Marisa was setting up the tables. At the thought of this ball being for me - for the love Flynn and I supposedly had, my heart raced. It was strange. So strange to go from invisible to the centre of attention.

     "Okay, I'm done setting up the tables," Marisa said, sighing.

     Marisa walked over to me and sweat was plastered onto her forehead. I stopped sweeping to smile at her.

     "I can't believe this ball is for you,' Marisa said. "To announce to everyone that Flynn is in love with you."

     I blushed, shrugging. Unsure of what to say, I just smiled.

     "How are you and Flynn by the way?" Marisa asked. "You guys have been hanging out a lot. And I saw the way he stood up for you at the dinner."

     "Honestly, we've been really good," I said. "I'm so happy. I feel like I'm on top of the world because of Flynn. I'm happy this is what became of us."

     Marisa's eyes softened and blush rushed into my cheeks. I lowered my eyes, feeling shy. It was true, I was so happy. Flynn and I were happy together and he was so sweet. Despite the world not wanting us together, I was content with what we had.

     "So you're officially in love with Flynn again, aren't you?" Marisa asked.

     I grew quiet. My eyes wouldn't meet Marisa's, embarrassed.

     "Oh my god you are!" Marisa exclaimed. She giggled. "I knew it."

     "I shouldn't be," I said. "I know it's wrong and Flynn doesn't love me back, but... I can't help but feel this way for him. I know we can never be, but... I don't know. I just want to be with him."

     Marisa wore a sad look and I flushed. Embarrassed by how silly I was, I sighed.

     "It's obvious Flynn has a spot for you," Marisa said. "I would't be shocked if Flynn reciprocated your feelings."

     "Maybe in another life," I said. "But I'm his servant. There's no way he could love me."

    Marisa grew quiet for a moment. Her eyebrows furrowed as she grew deep in thought.

     "Do you think you'll ever tell Flynn how you feel?" Marias asked.

     "No!" I exclaimed, mortified. "I would rather die than ever admit how I feel. I don't want to ruin what I currently have with Flynn either. I rather hide how I feel and pretend to be with him for as long as this lasts."

     "Helena, you deserve happiness though. After everything, I really think you should follow your heart."

     Biting my lip, I didn't know what to say. I so badly wanted to follow my heart. I so badly wished I could announce to the world I was in love with Flynn, and that all I ever wanted was to be with him. But because of who I was, and of how everyone felt about me being with Flynn, I knew there was no way I could be with Flynn. And because of that, I was better off hiding my feelings.

     "It doesn't matter," I whispered. "The Queen threatened to take my job away if I continued to be his girlfriend. No one wants us together and eventually, we must break up."

     "What?" Marisa said.

     Her eyes flew wide. A look of horror was on her face and I smiled sadly.

     "Unfortunately the Queen told me I had three strikes and I currently have one strike," I said. "Three strikes and I'm out."

     "Wait, aren't you scared?" Marisa asked. "Why are you still with Flynn?"

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