Chapter 19

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     The day of the ball finally came. The ballroom was crowded. With hundreds of royalty from all over the world, the ballroom was filled wth Kings, Queen, Princesses and Princes. Flynn and I stood off to the side, our posture straight and up to perfection as everyone's eyes lingered on us. The ball had begun an hour ago and Flynn and I didn't do much. All we did was stand off to the side, hoping people would believe we were in love.

     "You look beautiful," Flynn said. His eyes lingered on me. "I'm glad we chose this dress. It really brings out your eyes. I just can't keep my eyes off you."

     My eyes widened at Flynn's words. His eyes were on me, so bright and full of emotions, that my heart stuttered. I blushed and had to pull my eyes away.

     And when I pulled my eyes away, my eyes landed on Marisa, who was dressed in the same red dress she wore at the last ball. Marisa was serving some King, who stood too close to her. She looked uncomfortable, ready to run and my heart went out for her. Usually, I would be at her side. I should be at her side. But because I was pretending to be with Flynn, I joined another world. A world I didn't belong to.

     "Hello Prince Flynn," a man said.

     Startled, I looked to the man who approached Flynn. He was twice our age, his beard and hair graying, and he had a woman his age at his side. The both of them wore crowns on their heads and I stared at them, curious.

     "Hello King Elijah, Queen Esmeralda," Flynn said, bowing at each of them. "I hope you're enjoying our ball."

     "It's lovely," Queen Esmeralda said, her cheeks rosy with joy. "And who might this lady at your side be?"

     "My fiancé." Flynn smiled and took my hand in his. He held it gently, lifting it up to show the world we were together. "Helena Walker."

     King Elijah and Queen Esmeralda stared at me. Their eyes drifted up and down my body, summing me up before their eyes landed on my face. And when their eyes landed on my face, concern reached their eyes.

     "Congrats," King Elijah said. "Glad to hear you found someone, especially with you taking over the kingdom soon. I hope you two live a happy life."

     "Yes, congrats," Queen Esmeralda said. "I must talk to your mother now. I'll catch up with you later."

     "Thank you," Flynn said, bowing.

     King Elijah and Queen Esmeralda smiled before they turned around and walked off. Nervous, I stared after them, my heart aching at the disappointment in their eyes. I could tell they knew something was off. They could sense I was different and I hated that.

     "Looks like everyone believes we're together," Flynn whispered. "So many of them congratulated me and told me I have such a pretty fiancé."

     "Do they know I'm your servant?" I asked.

     Flynn grew quiet. His eyes lowered and I sighed.

     "No," Flynn said. "But I'm pretty sure Natasha is telling them."

     My eyes went to where Natasha stood, surrounded by many royalty. She was pointing at me, a smirk on her face and the people surrounding her would glance at me, looking amused. A few people would smirk and laugh, and I sighed. I was exhausted. So tired of being put down for the job I had.

     "Ignore them," Flynn said. "You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are."

     "I'm not ashamed of who I am," I said. "I never was, but you can't blame me for being bothered by the way everyone talks about me. Everyone thinks I'm pathetic and worthless. And it gets to you, Flynn. I hate how everyone tells me that you could never love me and I'm delusional."

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