Chapter 27

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     I sat near the stage where the priest and King Orion stood on. The church was packed. With Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, the room was packed as we awaited Amara and Flynn. They were to be married. Despite what happened the night before, Flynn decided to marry Amara.

     I gulped. Flynn and I hadn't had the chance to speak, but to be attending his wedding left me wanting to scream. There was a heavy pit in my stomach, one that made me lose my appetite and wish I could fall asleep. But because Marisa and I were Flynn's servants, we were to attend the wedding, which meant I had to watch the man I loved get married.

     In the small church, all the dark booths were filled. Marisa and I sat right in front of the stage and I glanced around, growing nervous at how filled the room was. Diana and Alexander were in the crowd and so was Natasha, and I felt like I was suffocating. I felt like something was wrong, but I knew there was nothing I could do. Flynn made his choice - a reasonable one, given we could never be. And with that, I knew I had to sit there and watch.

     Suddenly, the band began to play and Amara was led into the room by her uncle, Azad. He was a short mad with buzzed black hair and dark eyes, and he was smirking as he kept his arm linked to Amara's. Amara looked stunning. In her large white gown and her veil flowing behind her, she looked beautiful. But, there was a solemn expression on her face as Azad led her to the stage, right in front of the priest.

     Next, Flynn entered the room and he was led by Queen Astoria down the aisle and my heart jolted at the sight of him. He looked gorgeous. In the suit he tried on yesterday, Flynn looked stunning and I found myself wanting to knock out. I couldn't believe it. After finally revealing how I felt and kissing him, he was about to be married to someone else.

     "He's such as asshole," Marisa hissed. "You said he kissed you yesterday night, right?"


     "Then why is he getting married."  

     My eyes lowered to the ground. I didn't know why he was getting married. I thought he would fight for me, demand the Queen let us be together, but Flynn gave in. He was going to get married and thus, Flynn and I could never be.

     Amara and Flynn now stood on the stage and they were facing each other. Flynn nor Amara were smiling. They wore solemn expressions and the priest began to speak. He told them what marriage dealt with, of what they should expect and he glanced between them, smiling. My heart sunk with every moment that passed. Everything was happening too quickly.

      "They look miserable," Marisa whispered. "Why are they doing this?"

     "They don't have a choice," I said.

     "You always have a choice."

     Marisa stiffened next to me. She was wearing her usual red gown and I was wearing the green gown Flynn bought for me. My hands were clasped together and they tightened as unease filled me.

     "Now Amara Arun, do you take Flynn Evans, to be your husband. Do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health?" the Priest asked. 

     "I do," Amara whispered.

     She said it so quietly, we nearly missed it. Marisa and I exchanged a look.

     "Now Flynn-"

     "Wait!" Natasha exclaimed.

     Everyone gasped as Natasha stood up. She was wearing a lilac gown, her blonde hair falling out of its bun. Her eyes were feverish as she held a hand out, as if to stop the priest.

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