Chapter 15

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     Flynn and I were once again sitting at the dinner table, and the King, Queen and the princesses all sat with us. We were in the midst of eating salad, our eyes on our food and my heart was pounding against my chest. As I thought about the Queen's threat, of how my job was on the line, I felt lost. But remembering how kind Flynn was the other day, I also didn't want to ruin things for Flynn. Even if my job was on the line, for Flynn, who'd done nothing but be kind and protect me since the start of our fake relationship, I would risk everything.

     "What's on your mind?" Flynn whispered.

     My eyes rose to meet Flynn's. He was staring at me, a spark of amusement in his eyes. My eyes were glued to his for a moment, hypnotized.

     "Nothing," I said, snapping out my thoughts. "Nothing important, at least."

     Flynn's eyebrows rose and I smiled. Shaking my head, I took a bite of my salad.

     "You guys need to stop ogling each other at the dinner table," Saoirse said. "It's disgusting."

     Flynn rolled his eyes and he stuck his tongue out at me. I giggled.

     "Flynn, act your age," Queen Astoria scolded.

     Flynn huffed and he crossed his arms over his chest. I fought back a smile, but then my eyes widened as Natasha reached over from where she sat next to Flynn to touch his hair.

     "Wow, your hair is so nice and silky," Natasha said. "What do you do to get it like this?"

     "I make sure people like you don't touch my hair," Flynn said.

     Flynn grabbed Natasha's wrist and gave her back her hand. Natasha scowled at Flynn and I bit my lip to fight back a smile.

     "I can't resist," Natasha said. She batted her eyelashes at Flynn and he blinked. "You're just so dashing."

     "I think I'm about to be sick," Flynn said.

     "Flynn, stop being so rude," Queen Astoria scolded.

     Flynn looked to his mother then. He gave his mother a levelled look, his eyes cold and tired. I gulped, prepared for the storm.

     "Mother, I'm not going to let some princess flirt with me when I'm already taken," Flynn said. "Natasha is acting wildly inappropriate."

     "I don't get why you act as if you'll be with the servant forever!" Natasha exclaimed. "She's a servant and you're a prince. Use your common sense, Flynn. You guys won't get a happily ever after."

     Flynn whipped his head to look at Natasha. His eyes darkened and there was a scowl on his face. For the first time in years, he seemed furious.

     "I will be with who I want to be," Flynn said. "And even if I can't be with Helena, I would never be with you. You could be the last person on earth and I rather choose a donkey."

     Natasha winced and the princesses gasped. My eyes widened and the Queen looked like she was about to faint.

     "Flynn Evans," King Orion said. "That is enough. You are behaving horribly! How can you rule a kingdom with this attitude."

     Flynn clenched his jaw. He seemed to be fighting back the words he wanted to speak and I lowered my eyes, knowing there was no point in arguing further. When it came to the King and Queen, and even Natasha, they were relentless. No amount of logic and arguing would get them to back off.

     "Yeah Flynn, you're acting like an imbecile!" Natasha exclaimed. "How in the world are you going to become a King like this? Huh. Get it together and stop dating you servant!"

     "Enough, Natasha," Amara said.

     The table grew quiet. Natasha's jaw dropped and Amara stared at Natasha squarely. There was an annoyance in her expression I'd never seen before.

     "I get it. You were in love with Flynn since you were ten years old and you're mad at Flynn for choosing someone else. Especially, someone you think so lowly of," Amara said. "But that doesn't mean you need to bully Helena. She has feelings. And you're the one who's acting horribly. You can't possibly be a future Queen."

     Natasha winced at Amara's harsh words. My mouth grew dry. Discomfort left me fidgeting in my seat, wishing I could just disappear. And as Natasha got up, full of rage, I gulped.

     "Do not talk to me like that, Amara," Natasha said. "I'm just being logical. Let's all be honest here, Flynn can't end up with the servant. And my parents want me to get married soon because I'm getting old. Rationally, Flynn should be with me so we can all stop living here and get our lives moving."

     Amara let out a sigh and the Queen put her head in her hands. The King simply glanced between them, looking conflicted.

     "This may seem irrational or illogical, but this what I want," Flynn said. "I want Helena. I want her despite the taboo and despite how everyone feels. So this is enough, Natasha. I won't be choosing you."

     Flynn reached over and took my hand in his. I blushed and Natasha's face crumbled. She looked heartbroken. Her eyes teared up before she whirled around.

     "I've had enough of this," Natasha said. "Don't come running to me when this all blows up!"

     Natasha stalked off and my heart sunk. Despite the way Natasha treated me, I sympathized. I knew what it was like to be in love. So in love, you acted irrationally and you just couldn't let go. Love was so beautiful, but it had it's ugly sides, too.

     "Finally," Flynn whispered. "I'm exhausted."

     I nodded numbly. But when Flynn smiled at me, I couldn't help but smile back.

     "So you're sure then, Flynn?" King Orion asked. "Helena is the woman you'd like to marry? You want her to be your future Queen."

     "Yes," Flynn said, so confidently my heart skipped a beat.

     The King's eyes locked onto Flynn's. They shared the same hazel eyes, their eyes a mix of brown and green. The King looked curious, his eyes full of emotions and I gulped.

     "Okay," King Orion said. "We will hold a ball to announce this to everyone. Congrats my son. You found the woman to rule with."

     "Orion!" Queen Astoria exclaimed, looking horrified. "We can't announce this yet. This is just a phase! Flynn doesn't know what he wants."

     "Astoria." King Orion's eyes hardened. "Enough with this foolishness. Let our son choose the Queen he wants."

     The Queen's jaw clenched and she shot me a look. I shrunk back, remembering her threat and I was left speechless.

     "I'd love a ball," Flynn said, breaking the tension. "Thank you, Father. I appreciate it."

     King Orion smiled warmly at Flynn and Flynn smiled back. Flynn was still holding my hand. His hand was warm in mine, a presence that kept me feeling secure. But at the thought of a ball, of an announcement that I was Flynn's future wife, I grew nervous. And when I glanced at the Queen and saw that she was still glaring at me, I grew cold.

     I had no idea what the future would bring me. I didn't know what Flynn's plan was. But as long as he wanted this, I would be there at his side. And with Natasha backing down, I realized the Queen might be my last barrier.

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