Chapter 19 - Memory lane.

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Kylie and Neveah stopped crying, then looked at the men in shock. Prostitution. Prostitution. They were actually being sold into prostitution. They planned to go to a party, come home, go to bed, then wake up the next day to talk about how amazing their night was.

But it was the total opposite.

The men kept them bound, just so that they could listen to their instructions. They didn’t want the girls trying to scurry off, or act up when they were giving them information. Especially since, this is their first time being in this buisness.

“Listen girls. This is what you’ll be doing for a few months. It’s only a few months! No worries.” The scrawny man said as he kept his gun held at them. They did nothing and had no choice, but to listen to what the man had to say.

“Now you two girls didn’t act up like most girls that we usually take, so we’ll give you guys an option.” He continued. “My father is on the verge of losing his home, and this isn’t the first time he’s done this. What we do normally, is kidnap 2 or 3 girls, have them sell their body until he can afford the home that he want, and then we let them go. Unharmed and unaware. Now for your good behavior, we’ll let you girls choose between stripping, or prostitution.”

Neveah and Kylie sat on the bed, and glared at the men in a weird tone.

“Along with this, comes the consequences.” The man said in a serious tone. “There’s been plenty of girls who’ve tried to escape in this process, so don’t try it. When we say we know everyone in this city, we know everyone in this city. Which means, we know every strip club owner, every man who runs up and picks up prostitutes, everybody. And we’ve already contacted a majority of them and told them to keep an eye on you. Which means that if we find you, we’ll capture you again, and you’ll say for an extra 3 months. And trust me, we’ve done that before. Are there any questions?”

Both girls shook their heads no.

“Alright I guess it’s time to meet our girls.” The big man smiled as he snatched the duct tape off of their faces. “What’s your name, girls?”

“Kylie.” She wept.


“Kylie and Neveah. That’s sexy!” The slim man said. “Well i’m Caden, the scrawny dude name is Danny, and the big man name is John. We’ll be the ones that you report to everyday. We’ll get a better hotel room, but this is where you’ll come back to today. We already gave you guys a map to where we’ll be.”

“Now what would you guys like to do. Strip, or prostitute?”

“Strip!” Both girls shouted.

“I figured. That way, you won’t have to have sex to get our money.” John winked. “You girls are smart. You’d be shocked that 85% of the girls we picked up chose prostitution. Maybe its because those girls were sluts.”

“Now we’ve already contacted the “Bodily” strip club and told them that you girls were coming.” Danny said. “Now you’re gonna go up there, start slipping off your clothes, then you collect all of the money that the men throw onto the stage. Remember, the more clothes you take off, the more money you’ll recieve, and the sooner you’ll be able to get home. Got it?”


“Alright. Send them with Josh, John.”

“John” arrived to pick up the girls in his black navigator, and they used the map to get to the strip club. Neveah was giving Josh directions to the place, while Kylie wept her eyes out. Neveah was tougher than her younger cousin, so she didn’t appear as afraid even though she was. But Kylie, was terrified. She didn’t know what happened inside of those clubs, what would happen to them when they got there, and what the men there would do. Neveah read the last of her directions to the driver, then glanced at Kylie.

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